Sport Courses ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Sport courses [ URL " do=search&nazev=&kod=&match=substring&srch_nazev=0&srch_nazev=1&fak=11210&ustav=21- KTV&sekce=&trida=&klas=&ujmeno=&utyp=3&pvyjazyk=&sem=&pocet=100&b=Search"] for the exchang of the FHS are provided by the Department of Physical Education of the Faculty of Arts [ U"] ECTS credits: 2 Fee: Unless stated otherwise, sport classes are for free. The language of instruction: Czech, unless stated otherwise. Enrolment: Students need to register for the courses via the Student information system during the co period after their arrival and to be present in the first class. Students need to visit the courses from the first or max. second week; in the case of over course consult the teacher. Students can register for 1 sport class. Regular attendance is required if enrolled in one of the courses. The overview of sport courses locations is available via the Department of Physical Educat