Election Commission ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** • The Election Committee was established at the Academic Senate Meeting on October 14, 202 resolutions [ URL "https://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-919.html"] ). • The competence of the Election Committee applies both to the AS FHS CU elections and the elections. Chairwoman: Mgr. Hedvika Novotná, Ph.D. (faculty) Members: Mgr. David Jelínek (student) Jakub Švec (student) Mgr. Jiří Tourek, Ph.D. (faculty) Alternates: Mgr. Tatiana Chavalková Badurová (student) Mgr. Jakub Marek, Ph.D. (faculty) Contact: volby(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz [ MAIL "volby(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz"]