Election committee ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** • The Election Commission was established at the meeting of the AS FH CU on 15 September 2 No. 527 [ URL "https://fhs.cuni.cz/FHS-2066.html#11"] ). Chairwoman: Mgr. Hedvika Novotná, Ph.D. (academic staff) Members: Mgr. David Jelínek (student) Matěj Krofta (student) Mgr. Jiří Tourek, Ph.D. (academic staff)) Alternates: Bc. Martina Pustková (student) Mgr. Jana Wohlmuth Markupová (academic staff)) Contact: volby(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz [ MAIL "volby(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz"]