By-elections to the AS CU 2024 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * News ****************************************************************************************** • The official results of the AS CU by-elections in the student part can be found in the e of the elections result [ URL "FHSENG-1400-version1-fhs_doplnovaci_volby_2024.pdf"] (Onl The following student was elected as the member of the AS CU for the term until 31 Janua 1. Matěj Krofta (7. 11. 2024) • The by-elections to the Academic Senate of Charles University have ended. The election a closed. Unofficial results can be found directly in the election application [ URL "https://volb under the "Completed" ("Dokončené") tab. Unofficial results are indicative only. The official by-election result report will be p election sub-commission on this website later today. (07. 11. 2024) • By-elections to the Student Part of Academic Senate of Charles Universita began on 4 Nov and will last till 7 November 14.00 Elections are held only electronically. VOTE  ELECTRONICALLY  at [ URL ""] You can vote until 7 November at 14.00. You can access the application with the same login details you use for SIS. You can find all the information on how to use the election application in this manual [ "FHSENG-1400-version1-volby_2021_manual_eng.pdf"] . • Here you can see the list of candidates for AS CU by-elections [ URL "FHSENG-1400.html • Only students can elect their representative in the by-elections to the student part o • In the by-elections to the AS CU you can tick 1 candidate in the election application. how to vote are also given directly in the election application. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Election Commission by email a volby(zavinac) [ MAIL "volby(zavinac)"] . Report any technical problems to OIT(zavinac) [ MAIL "OIT(zavinac) On behalf of the Election Sub-commission Mgr. Selma Muhič Dizdarevič, Ph.D. Chairwoman of the Election Sub-commission (4. 11. 2024) • On Friday 25 October 2024, the FH CU sub-commision published the list of candidates for to the AS CU at FH CU in the student section. A total of 6 students are standing in the by-elections for the AS CU at FH CU. Here you can see the list of candidates for the by-elections [ URL "FHSENG-1423.html "] (25. 10. 2024) • The acceptance of nominations to the AS CU by-elections was closed on Monday 22 October Thank you to everyone who decided to nominate their candidate. The election will be held electronically on 4-7 November 2024. (23. 10. 2024) • T. Chavalková Badurová resigned from the Election Commision [ URL "FHSENG-1402.html "] . Borisova has been called in. (18. 10. 2024) • The list of eligible voters from among students was generated in accordance with the Ele Regulations of the AS CU [ URL ""] (only in Czech) as of 10. (10. 10. 2024) ****************************************************************************************** * Nomination of candidates ****************************************************************************************** The by-elections for the student part of the Academic Senate of Charles University are app elections will take place from 4 to 7 November 2024. You can nominate student candidates from Monday 30 September 10:00 to Tuesday 22 October u *========================================================================================= * Background information: *========================================================================================= • Any member of the academic community of the Faculty may nominate candidates. Only studen nominated as candidates for senate member in the by-elections and membership in the facu community is required. • The nominee must agree to accept the nomination. The consent of the individual nominees nomination shall be sought by the Election Commission. • Nominations of candidates will be made electronically via a web form. *========================================================================================= * Web form: *========================================================================================= • WEB FORM for nominations can be found here [ URL " id=2naS4DT5hkC_CIgWogQUomzFH8vZ065EiovfXRYLtcBURUdZNjE1VkkzTkxUNUZMWVo4WllUQlpHRS4u"] • As we need to verify your identity, the form is only accessible by logging into the univ Office 365 platform. In the first step, enter your login as "personalidentificationnumbe PIN - you can find it on your CU ID card or in SIS). You will then be redirected to the where you will be able to log in with your usual login details. You cannot complete this logging in, which also identifies you. • Please check that you are logged in to your University account with MS Office before wor form. • Instructions on how to log in to the University's MS Office 365 can be found here [ URL"] (only in Czech). • Only one candidate can be nominated per form. If you want to nominate more than one cand to complete the form for each nomination separately. • The form will only take a moment to complete. You can also fill it in from your mobile p *========================================================================================= * The nomination has to include: *========================================================================================= • Identification of the nominator (i.e. PIN, first and last name - these are automatically your login to the form via CAS), • Identification of the candidate (PIN, first and last name - to be filled in the form), • Contact email of the nominator (to be filled in the form). *========================================================================================= * Deadlines: *========================================================================================= • You may nominate candidates for the AS CU between 30 September 2024 10:00 and 22 October • Candidate lists will be published by the Election Commission no earlier than Friday 25 O no later than Tuesday 29 October 2024. • The by-election for the AS CU will take place from 4 November 2024 at 10:00 until 7 Nove 14:00. You can contact the Election Commission by email at volby(zavinac) [ MAIL "volby(zavinac)"] . All information regarding the AS CU by-elections can be found on this election website. On behalf of the Election Commission Mgr. Selma Muhič Dizdarevič, Ph.D. Chairwoman of the Election Commission (20. 9. 2024) ****************************************************************************************** * Announcement of by-elections to the Academic Senate CU 2024 ****************************************************************************************** In accordance with Article 13 of the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate, announces by-elections to the AS CU on 4 - 7 November 2024. The AS FH CU has decided on an electronic method of elections. The term of office of the newly elected senator shall begin upon election and end on 31 Ja (see AS FH CU Resolution No. 619 [ URL ""] - only in C The AS FH CU establishes an election commission [ URL "FHSENG-1402.html "] for the electio consisting of Selma Muhič Dizdarevič (academic staff, chair), Jiří Tourek (academic staff, Chavalková Badurová (student, member), Karolína Horáčková (student, member), Martin Heřman staff, alternate), Varvara Borisova (student, alternate). (see AS FHS UK Resolution No. 624 [ URL ""] - only in The deadline for nominating candidates for the AS UK by-elections for the 2023 - 2025 term 2024 at 23:59. Proposals shall be submitted to the Election Committee electronically via a will be published on the AS FHS UK website. (see AS FHS UK Resolution No. 620 [ URL ""] - only in The Election Commission will inform about the preparation of the elections and nomination the near future. On behalf of AS FH CU Mgr. Jana Wohlmuth Markupová, Ph.D. Chairwoman of the AS FH CU (13. 9. 2024)