Gender Studies Welcoming Events 2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Gender Studies Welcoming Events 2024 ****************************************************************************************** At the end of September, a two-day series of Welcoming Events for new Gender Studies stude The Welcoming Events were organized by current Gender Studies students as well as alumni, are part of the safe space kolektiv, an intersectional feminist group at Charles Universit other things, advocates for a safe and supportive environment on campus. The events took p September 2024, the third year of such events. Due to the participation of international s communication was conducted in English. The events were supported by the Faculty of Humani off financial contribution and the Faculty supported the connecting of Czech and English s First day: introduction to the faculty and ice-breaking activities The program began with a tour of the Faculty of Humanities building, with an opportunity f to learn about the important facilities and services offered by the Faculty. The tour was fun ice-breaking activities aimed at building friendships among new students. This was fol informal FAQ session including information about the study programme, sharing of study exp tips, and space for questions. This session was enriched by the direct experiences of curr alumni of the programme. Specific challenges faced and how to successfully overcome them w Particular attention was paid to mental health and maintaining a balance between academic and personal life, especially in relation to work obligations. Practical advice was shared such as effective semester planning, thesis writing, use of support services and professio advice. The programme of the first day was concluded with a group visit to the vegan resta where introductions and sharing of first impressions of the faculty and studies continued setting. Day Two: Trip to Karlstejn The second day of the Welcoming Events was dedicated to a joint trip to the Karlštejn regi the newcomers to spend a day in nature while continuing to build collective spirit outside environment. The route led from the village of Karlštejn, through the quarry of Malá Ameri waterfalls, ending the hike in a restaurant in the village of Srbsko. Even though the weat favourable for the nature walks and it rained for over half of the trip, it did not preven from further bonding and strengthening the sense of community. Moreover, the wet weather t favour mushroom picking! Evaluation of the Welcoming Events The Welcoming Event accomplished its goal of new students getting to know not only their f but also to the faculty environment and the values that Gender Studies promotes. On behalf Events organizing team, we hope that the events created a friendly and safe atmosphere tha easier for students to begin their studies and make friendships with each other.