Candidates ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** In accordance with the Election Regulations of the AS CU [ URL " (only in Czech), the sub-commision has compiled a list of candidates [ URL "FHSENG-1423-ve doplnovaci_volby_as_uk.pdf"] for the by-elections to the AS CU at FH CU in the student sec Candidates are listed in the order in which they were drawn by the sub-commision. On the electronic ballots, the candidates will be listed in the same order as on the list If a candidate publishes their election programme, you will be able to view it by clicking link next to their name. The elections will be held electronically from 4 to 7 November 2024. *========================================================================================= * Candidates in the by-elections to the AS CU at FH CU in the student section *========================================================================================= Lot number drawn ID Number Name and Surname 1. 98562985 Matěj Krofta [ URL "FHSENG-1423-version1- volby_do_as_uk_2024_matej_krofta.pdf"] 2. 20357020 Karina Zamrazilová 3. 78769742 Ondřej Schovanec [ URL "FHSENG-1423-version1- schovanec_velky_senat.pdf"] 4. 96811417 Rafael Daniel Berti 5. 63497763 Věra Koukalová – candidate has resigned 6. 60682943 Adriana Niziolová [ URL "FHSENG-1423-version1- niziolova___as_uk.pdf"]