News Archive ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** • The CU Security Department has issued a leaflet for students and staff of the University "FHSENG-1458-version1-bo_uk_safe_environment.pdf"] summarising basic and important infor respond in the event of various security incidents. (23. 2. 2024) • Charles University will continue to provide organisational, material, and psychological those in need and urges everyone who feels any need for psychological assistance to util services. Such assistance is offered not only by CU and other entities (information can [ URL " by the free Crisis Line of the Czech Police: +420 974 823 158. Please do not hesitate to (14. 2. 2024) • The university leadership, including the leadership of individual faculties and componen addressing the question of appropriate reinforcement of security measures. At the same t Security Department's hotline +420 771 275 564 will start operating on weekdays from 9 a The University is preparing and will shortly publish important information and procedure respond in the event of various security incidents. (14. 2. 2024) • Recommendations for Supporting Mental Health After a Tragic Event [ URL "FHSENG-1458-ver uken_1916_version1_recommendations_for_supporting_mental_health.pdf"] (14. 2. 2024)