Mgr. Alena Novotná ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Contact Information and Office Hours: See SIS [ URL " id=7241922c939da4332cec9f8cee93c5ba&tid=7&do=detailuc&kuc=991699"] Subjects: See SIS [ URL " id=7241922c939da4332cec9f8cee93c5ba&tid=7&do=ucit&kod=99169"] Research areas • Diachronic linguistics, corpus linguistics • Grammaticalisation, lexicological topics • The historical development of English Education • 2019 – present: PhD. studies, Dept. of English language and ELT methodology, Faculty of University • 2016–2018 – MA studies, Dept. of English language and ELT methodology, Faculty of Arts, University (English language) • 2013–2016 – BA studies, Dept. of English language and ELT methodology, Faculty of Arts, University (English and American studies) Publications and conferences Fúsik, O., & Novotná, A. (2024). The adjective (ge)s?lig in Old English prose: Towards a c of the lexical field of holiness in Old English. In Structuring historical languages and d Computational corpus linguistics and lexicography in the digital era (Vol. 2024, pp. 211–2 Brill. Novotná, A., & Fúsik, O. (2024). Exploring Eadig within the Lexical Field of Holiness in O University of Granada. Fúsik, O., & Novotná, A. (2022a). “He is sunu witodlice ??s gebletsodan Godes”: Characteri field of holiness in Old English prose: gebletsod and gehalgod. University of La Rioja. Fúsik, O., & Novotná, A. (2022b). ??t is on Engliscre spr?ce: Latin in Old English texts: corpus. Johannes Gutenberg University. Fúsik, O., & Novotná, A. (2021). The adjective ges?lig in Old English prose: towards a cha the lexical field of holiness in Old English. University of La Rioja (online). Novotná, A. (2021a). As in the Middle English Romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Lei (online). Novotná, A. (2021b). MY FIRST DOOR TO ENGLISH LINGUISTICS: A SHORT COMPANION TO THE STUDY Linguistica Pragensia, 31(2), 264–267. Novotná, A. (2017). Grammatical concord in existential there clauses in Early Modern Engli Polsko.