Library ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** According to the Rector’s Directive 4/2025, the students with specific needs who register are automatically assigned category 04 – student SP. This category applies to students at study at CU (Bc., Mgr., Ph.D.) who have been assigned a specific needs attribute in SIS an informed consent regarding the services provided to them at CU. The granting of this category allows the provision of the following services: • The loan period of a regular loan is extended to 60 days with the possibility of extensi months. • Option of specific borrowing for 1 year by arrangement at the FHS Library – please apply knihovna(zavinac) [ MAIL "knihovna(zavinac)"] • Provision of advice on securing study literature including familiarisation with possible (acoustic output). • Free printing, and copying in the FHS Library – a free copying/printing card is availabl counter. In the context of the last point, we would like to ask you to take a conscious approach to printed material in line with sustainable behaviour [ URL "