• Calendar


Developing effective presentations in English I. and II.

Need to address your audience in English? Want to know how to prepare an entertaining presentation? Interested in the basics of graphic design? If that is the case, the seminars are exactly right for you. The first two 180 minute lessons will take place on March 23 and April 24, respectively, and will be followed by a practical part two weeks later, which will include presentations by the students themselves, who will be given feedback. The seminars will take place in English and are aimed at doctoral and post-doctoral students of CU.


Event start 23 March 2016 at 9:00 AM
Event end 23 March 2016 at 12:00 PM
Subtitle Developing soft skills and academic competence for doctoral and post-doctoral students of CU
Type of event Course, workshop, seminar
Organiser Charles University Information Advisory Centre
Organiser's contact email silvie.nedvedova@ruk.cuni.cz
Venue Celetná 20, Praha 1, room 141
Target group Academic community
Reservation http://ipc1.cuni.cz/reg/index.php?event=329
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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