Mgr. Yasar Abu Ghosh, Ph.D.


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Work Experience

  • 2017–present: Lecturer, UC Berkeley summer school program, Prague

  • 2012–present: Faculty, NYU in Prague

  • 2009–2012: Head of department, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

  • 2009–2011: Post-doctoral research fellow, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences

  • 2008–present: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

  • 2005–2008: Teaching assistant in Social anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

  • 2004 (05-12): Research Fellow, Research Centre for the Evolution of Personality and Ethnicity (CVVOE), Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague


  • 2008: PhD. in ethnology, Charles University in Prague (doctorat en co-tutelle with EHESS, Paris – thesis defence at Charles University on September 30, 2008). Thesis: Escaping Gypsyness: Work, Power and Identity in the Marginalization of Roma. Charles University in Prague, 182 p., 2008.

  • 2000: DEA en Sciences Sociales, Laboratoire de Sciences Sociales ENS/EHESS, Paris. Mémoire principal: Un lieu retrouvé: le camp de concentration tsigane à Lety (mention très bien). Mémoire ad hoc: A la recherche d’une histoire : les constructions de l’identité tsigane dans les ethnographies tchèques (mention très bien)

  • 1999: MA in ethnology, Institute of Ethnology, Charles University, Prague

Stays Abroad

  • 2016 (01-06): Fulbright visiting scholar, University of California Berkeley, Department of Anthropology

  • 2012 (06): Visiting fellow, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

  • 2011 (04): Visiting scholar, European University Institute, Florence

  • 2009 (06): Visiting lecturer, Central European University (Budapest), SUN “Multidisciplinary approaches to Romani studies”

  • 2006 (05-07): Visiting lecturer, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universitat, Munich, Eastern European Studies Honours Program

  • 2003–2004 (10-03): Affiliate post-graduate research student, University College London, Department of Anthropology

  • 2001 (06-07): Summer school “Plight of the Roma”, Central European University, Budapest

  • 1998 (09-12): Visiting post-graduate student, New York University, Department of Anthropology, New York


  • Y. Abu Ghosh. Blueberry time: ethnography of power, work and identity among the Roma of Tercov (contracted with Slon, Prague, in progress).

  • T. Stöckelová, Y. Abu Ghosh (eds.). 2013. Etnografie: improvizace v teorii a terénní praxi (Ethnography: improvisation in theory and field practice) Slon: Prague.

  • T. Stöckelová, Y. Abu Ghosh. 2013. Úvahy o etnografii: od dogmatu k heterodoxii (Reflections on ethnography: from dogma to heterodoxy). In Etnografie, pp. 7-35. Slon: Prague.

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2010. Crediting Recognition: monetary transactions of poor Roma. In Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Romany Studies, M. Stewart and M. Rovid (eds.), CEU Press, Budapest, pp. 91-107.

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2008. Introduction: Roma and Gadje. Anthropology of East Europe Review 25(2): 5-12 (special issue co-editor with Krista Hegburg) 

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2008. Michael Stewart: Time of the Gypsies (review). Czech Sociological Review 2: 441-445. (in Czech)

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2007. Social anthropology in/of postsocialism. Czech Sociological Review 42(1). Co-editor with J. Grygar and M. Skovajsa of special issue of the Czech Sociological Review, 

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2007. Zaostřeno na etnografický výzkum (Ethnography in Focus). Czech Sociological Review 42(1): 6-12, (with J. Grygar and M. Skovajsa). (in Czech)

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2002. The manoeuvres of Geertz’s culturalism. Cargo 1-2: 95-102. (in Czech)

  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 1999. A Method and Its Context: The Optical and Political Fallacy of Cultural Relativism. Cargo 2 (1999): 149-155. (in Czech)

Last change: January 11, 2023 13:23 
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