Mgr. Yasar Abu Ghosh, Ph.D.

Oborové zaměření: sociokulturní antropologie

střední a východní Evropa; etnografie marginálních skupin, zejména Romů; formy sociability; post-strukturalistické perspektivy na směnu a moc; etnografie-jako-epistemologie (P. Bourdieu) a figurační sociologie (N. Elias), reflexivní metodologie

Kontakt a konzultační hodiny:


Vyučované kurzy:


Vzdělání, zaměstnání, studijní a badatelské pobyty, pedagogické působení

• 2012–present: Professor, NYU in Prague

• 05-06/2012: Visiting Professor, IRIS, EHESS, Paris

• 2009–2012: Head of department, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

• 01/2009–12/2011: Post-doctoral research fellow, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences

• 2008–present Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

• 2009 (Jun-Jul): Visiting Professor, Summer school of Romani studies, Central European University, Budapest

• 2006 (May-Jul): Visiting lecturer at Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universitat, Munich, Eastern European Studies Honours Program

• 2005–2008 : Teaching assistant in Social anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

• 2004 (May-Dec): Research Fellow, Research Centre for the Evolution of Personality and Ethnicity (CVVOE), Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague

Domácí a zahraniční granty a projekty, organizované konference

• 2010-2012: Co-leader of collective research project “Ethnography: from dogma to heterodoxy”, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague.

• 09/2011: Convenor, head of the scientific board, 2nd joint CASA-SASA biannual conference, “Of Cosmopolitanism and Cosmologies”, Telč, Czech Republic, 2-3 September 2011

• 2009-2010: Leader of comparative ethnography, edited book project “The Money of the Poor”, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI in Prague.

• 2009-2012: Ethnographic-cum-historical research “In the arms of the State: social care, re-education and the production of citizens in the case of Romani children's homes inmates, 1970-2010“, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences.

• 2009: Ethnographic research „Propensity to ghettoization: social and spatial exclusion in the politics and practice of selected local governments“, Institute for Research on Social Reproduction and Integration, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

• 2006: Qualitative research “Teaching economics in transition”, Dioscuri Project, Masaryk University, Brno

• 2004: Ethnographic research “Anthropologies of Roma identity”, CVVOE, CUNI in Prague.

• 2001–2008: Ethnographic research “Survival strategies of Roma”, EHESS, Paris.

• 2000–2001: Archival research “Czech ethnographies of Roma: in search of authenticity”, ENS/EHESS, Paris.

• 1999–2002: Ethnographic-cum-historical research “Between memory and history: the Lety controversy in public discourse”, CUNI in Prague.

Vědecké ceny, členství v redakčních radách a odborných společnostech

• 2008–2012: Founding member and vice-president of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology

• 2006–2007: Member, Board of experts to the Governmental Council for Roma Community Affairs

• 2006–2007: Independent expert, European Commission program “Peer Review and Assessment in Social Inclusion”

• 2005–present: Member, European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)

• 1999–present: Advisor to Committee for the redress of Roma Holocaust (VPORH)

Kurzy vyučované v posledních pěti letech:

• Etnografie: metoda a žánr

• Klíčové texty pro sociokulturní antropologii

• Antropologie a Romové

• Antropologie marginality

• Peníze chudých

• Úvod do politické antropologie

• Ekonomická antropologie

Poslední změna: 11. leden 2023 13:18 
Váš názor

Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208


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