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  • 2014
  • Stanislava Boušková a Vladimír Tax (eds.): The Relativity of Proximity and Remoteness: Communication from the Perspective of Culture and Linguistics

Stanislava Boušková a Vladimír Tax (eds.): The Relativity of Proximity and Remoteness: Communication from the Perspective of Culture and Linguistics

ISBN 978-80-87398-66-1, vydala Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Počet stran: 160, brož., formát B5.

Eds. Stanislava Boušková a Vladimír Tax  The Relativity of Proximity and Remoteness: Communication from the Perspective of Culture and Linguistics

Studenti a zaměstnanci FHS UK mohou knihu pořídit za zvýhodněnou cenu v Knihovně FHS UK.


Kolektivní monografie obsahující odborné články zaměřené na témata současné afrikanistiky a antropologie. Témata jsou zpracována jak domácími (Sokol, Kandert), tak zahraničními (Nicolaï, Leger, Cyffer, Storch) odborníky. Monografie vznikla k připomenutí životního jubilea českého lingvisty a afrikanisty doc. Petra Zimy. Články jsou prezentovány ve francouzštině a angličtině.

Why, and when, did Europeans visit Africa prior to colonial times? What sources of information do we have about early African art brought back to Europe, and where in Europe have such collections been preserved? African archaeological explorations are surveyed, and early dating systems and the validity of oral folklore for dating are questioned. The significance is highlighted of the booty looted in 1897 from Benin and brought to Britain, and of the interest awakened by early 20th century European artists with their new approach to artifacts previously termed ‘barbaric’ or ‘savage’ by Europeans. Frobenius’s systematic explorations of Africa are described, and the growth of sub-

Saharan art collections in Europe. Why African art is more diverse than its European counterpart is discussed and a few unifying characteristics of sub-Saharan art are identified.

Poslední změna: 11. leden 2024 13:54 
Váš názor

Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208


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