He beamed in, he spoke, he won (our brains and hearts). On November 1, one of the most influential philosophers of today, Timothy Morton, made their first appearance in the Czech Republic and gave us an online talk co-organized and shared by the Faculty of Humanities, the Inspiration Forum of the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival and the ArtMap publishing house. It didn’t look like much glory at the beginning: while we waited in vain for Tim’s connection, Tim, to our surprise, bombarded us with requests to send him the Zoom-link. But once we successfully connected despite the sulking university email, the two-hour ride began: during which Timothy Morton, in their characteristically engaging, colorful and pithy style, talked about hell for earth, cocooned fascism, and a new ecological take on Christianity and hope. Audience reaction? It says it all that even in the final forty-minute discussion Timothy Morton managed to answer barely a tenth of the questions that were thrown at them. We will post a recording of the event later, but in the meantime, check out the photo gallery!
Photo: Pavla Keltnerová
Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic