Scholarships and Funding

Faculty Scholarships and Funding

The Faculty of Humanities offers the possibility of obtaining a scholarship to all students enrolled in a follow-up Master’s programme taught in a foreign language (starting in the academic year 2025/2026). The reasons for obtaining the scholarship can be both outstanding performances, as well as social disadvantages; anyone who successfully fulfils the conditions of the admission procedure and enrols into studies can apply for the scholarship. Further information will be available at a later date.

The Faculty of Humanities rewards its most successful students by giving the top 10% of the best students in the class a merit-based scholarship (Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement). This scholarship applies to all active students who achieved excellent academic results in the previous year. The scholarship is awarded to students with the best average grade which is calculated as an arithmetic average of all grades the student achieved in the previous academic year.

Other Sources of Scholarships and Funding

Other options of funding your studies can be found through national governments and other non-state institutions. The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MEYS) offers scholarships to foreign students and researchers. These scholarships are based on exchange programs and agreements between the Czech Republic and other countries. They last anywhere between 2 to 10 months and each of them defines specific eligibility criteria. You can find out more information about scholarships available on the MEYS website.

The MEYS also offers scholarships from the International Visegrad Fund. Established in 2000, its goal is to promote closer co-operation between the four Visegrad Group countries – Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. The program offers various types of grants for different shareholders; the Visegrad Scholarship is intended for Master’s and Doctoral students. These scholarships are awarded not only to applicants from the Visegrad countries but also to applicants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Monte Negro, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine, enabling them to study in one of the V4 countries; the same rules apply also to applicants from Kosovo. More information on the Visegrad fund is available on the MEYS website or the Visegrad Fund website.

Last change: November 6, 2024 10:57 
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Faculty of Humanities

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