
This website is intended for all students and staff of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University and is intended to serve as a guide for important information in relation to current events in Ukraine. We will continuously supplement and update the content (last update: January 6, 2023).

Contact at the Faculty of Humanities

Admission to FHS UK for applicants from Ukraine

Information on extending temporary protection

Statements by the Faculty Management

Faculty events in support of Ukraine

Charles University offers assistance

Contacts at Charles University

Helpline Against Hate at Charles University

CU Endowment fund

Other contacts and links

Інформація для громадян України

Contact at the Faculty of Humanities

Contact person: Pavla ČERNOCHOVÁ

Students and employees of the Faculty of Humanities, originally from Ukraine, or other persons, may contact this e-mail with questions or requests.

Admission to FHS UK for applicants from Ukraine

According to OR No.16/2022, persons who have been granted temporary protection in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine are exempt from the fee for acts related to the admission procedure. The person shall prove this fact by presenting the relevant document in person at the FHS Study Department during office hours (the schedule of office hours can be found here).

Згідно із постановою ректора №16/2022 особи, яким надано тимчасовий захист у зв’язку зі збройним конфліктом в Україні, звільняються від плати за дії, пов’язані з процедурою вступу. Особа підтверджує цей факт шляхом особистого пред’явлення відповідного документа в навчальному відділі Факультету у робочий час (з графіком прийому можна ознайомитися тут).

Information on extending temporary protection

All holders of temporary protection who have obtained temporary protection by the end of 2022 are eligible to extend their temporary protection, which expires on 31 March 2023. Registration for the extension of temporary protection will only be possible online, and registration for persons under the age of 18 will be carried out by their responsible representative. When registering, you will need to provide: your personal data, your registered place of residence in the Czech Republic, the address and name of the school or kindergarten where the child is registered for compulsory attendance, or the relationship to the person under the age of 18 for whom you are applying for an extension of temporary protection. Detailed information can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Інформація стосовно продовження тимчасового захисту

Тимчасовий захист можуть продовжити особи, які його отримали до кінця 2022 року, термін дії вашого тимчасового захисту закінчиться 31 березня 2023 року. Зареєструватися на продовження тимчасового захисту можна лише онлайн, для осіб віком до 18 -ти років реєстрацію здійснює їх повнолітній, законний представник. Під час реєстрації необхідно вказати: особисті дані, реєстрацію вашого місця проживання в Чеській Республіці, адресу та назву школи чи дитячого садка, де дитина зареєстрована для виконання обов’язкової шкільної або дошкільної освіти, або зв’язок з особою віком до 18-ти років, за яку ви продовжуєте тимчасовий захист. Детальну інформацію можна знайти на сайті Міністерства внутрішніх справ.

Faculty events in support of Ukraine

  • The Orientation Course for people affected by the war conflict in Ukraine was held at FHS UK between 1 April and 31 May 2022.

  • In 2022, an special admission procedure was held for all interested citizens from Ukraine and in the academic year 2022/23 many of them had started their studies, they started learning Czech as part of an individual study plan and are preparing for further studies at our faculty.

Charles University offers assistance

Charles University offers assistance to its Ukrainian students and academics and their families who are in danger in the current, unprecedented, and difficult situation and need any form of support in their time of need.

The website will serve as a signpost for all the assistance activities that the University can offer. There will be information helplines, psychological help etc.

The range of help options will continue to expand. All information on central and faculty assistance will be available on this website.


We, as Charles University, believe that at least in this way we can offer a helping hand to our students and their loved ones and alleviate the suffering that the Ukrainian people are currently experiencing.

prof. Milena Králíčková

Rector of Charles University

Charles University is ready to help all students who are impacted by the situation in Ukraine, whatever their nationality.

Contacts at Charles University

Hotline at Charles University: +420 771 234 704 (Hotline is available on weekdays Monday - Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.).

You can also use a chat. Click on the button in the right corner at the website

Helpline Against Hate at Charles University

Helpline Against Hate at Charles University:

We do not support hate speech of any kind. We do not support any form of collective guilt.

If you experience inappropriate behaviour in relation to your person, please contact us via the form at the website We will get back to you to address the situation. Anonymous or in person, it's up to you.

CU Endowment fund

Charles University will also provide financial support through the Charles University Endowment Fund. Get involved too! Financial assistance will be primarily aimed at helping our Ukrainian students, academics and staff.

Donations can be sent to the Charles University Endowment Fund bank account 556677359/0800.

Volunteering at Charles University

Other contacts and links

Last change: February 3, 2025 14:29 
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Faculty of Humanities

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