Dean's Directive No. 4/2020


Change of the Dean's Directive No. 3/2020: Rules for the organization of study activities and operation at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

To implement:

Special rules of study at Charles University

Date of effect::

11 May 2020

[This Dean's Directive is revoked.]

Change of the Dean's Directive No. 3/2020: Rules for the organization of study activities and operation at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Article 1: Introductory provisions

This Dean's Directive No. 4/2020 amends and supplements the Dean's Directive No. 3/2020 of 30 April 2020.

Article 2: Specific amendments to the Dean's Directive No. 3/2020

  1. In Article 2 (1), the wording of point (a) is amended by changing the text of "in the presence of a maximum of 5 persons" to "in the presence of a maximum of 15 persons" as follows:

    "(A) teaching, consulting or examinations for students of a bachelor´s, master´s or doctoral study program in the presence of a maximum of 15 persons;"

  2. In Article 2 (1), the wording of point (b) is amended by changing the part of the text from "in the presence of a maximum of 5 persons" to "in the presence of a maximum of 15 persons" as follows:

    "(B) activities connected mainly with the implementation of final theses in a bachelor´s, master´s or doctoral study program in the presence of a maximum of 15 persons;"

  3. In Article 3 (2) (a), instead of the sentence "The login details are the same as the CAS login details.", a new text is inserted "In the first step of the login, write your login (e-mail) in the form "" (or UKČO - you can find it on your UK card under the photo or in the SIS). You will then be redirected to the CAS login page, where you will be able to log in with your usual login details."And the second paragraph is amended as follows:

    „The interactive online affidavit form can be completed on a computer or mobile phone after logging in. In the first step of the login, write your login (e-mail) in the form "" (or UKČO - you can find it on your UK card under the photo or in the SIS). You will then be redirected to the CAS login page, where you will be able to log in with your usual login details. It is not possible to fill in this form without logging in, which is also the identification of the person. After sending, this type of form is automatically electronically registered at the Dean's Office. After revoking this Measure, the data will be shredded."

Article 3: Final Provisions

  1. This Directive shall come into force on the day on which it is signed.

  2. This Directive shall take effect on 11 May 2020.

Prague, 7 May 2020

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


************** THE FULL TEXT **************

Dean's Directive No. 3/2020 as amended by the Dean's Directive No. 4/2020 (full text)


Rules for the organization of study activities and operation at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

To implement:

Special rules of study at Charles University

Date of effect::

30 April 2020

(Dean's Directive No. 3/2020 as amended by Dean's Measure No. 4/2020 takes effect on 11 May 2020.)


Annex 1: Affidavit - interactive online form

Annex 1: Affidavit - PDF for print

Příloha 1: Čestné prohlášení - interaktivní on-line formulář (in Czech)

Příloha 1: Čestné prohlášení - PDF k tisku (in Czech)

The full text of the Dean's Directive No. 3/2020 as amended by the Dean's Directive No. 4/2020

Rules for the organization of study activities and operation at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Article 1: Introductory provisions

In accordance with Act No.188/2020 Coll. (see - in Czech only) and with Special Rules of Study at Charles University ( I am issuing this Measure. It changes the availability of consultations and other teaching activities with the presence of teachers and students at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (hereinafter "faculty").

Article 2: Reasons for students entering the premises of the buildings used by the faculty

  1. Entry of students (including foreign students) of all years of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies to the premises of the buildings used by the faculty is possible for the following purposes:


    teaching, consulting or examinations for students of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study program in the presence of a maximum of 15 persons;


    activities connected mainly with the implementation of final theses in a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study program in the presence of a maximum of 15 persons;


    urgent study matters that cannot be resolved remotely;


    an administrative agenda related to study mobility that cannot be addressed remotely;


    urgent study matters and projects of students of doctoral study programs that cannot be solved remotely.

  2. The entrance to the premises of the buildings used by the faculty is targeted. Both in terms of teaching and consulting activities and in terms of administrative matters, it is necessary to agree in advance at the relevant faculty department.

Article 3: Conditions for students entering the premises of the buildings used by the faculty

  1. Entry of students (including foreign students) of all years of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies to the premises of the buildings used by the faculty is possible only if:


    is a student without acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (eg fever, cough, dyspnoea, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.) and has not been ordered quarantine measures at that time;


    at the entrance to the room, the student performs hand disinfection, while the disinfectant is provided by the faculty;


    the student will provide a written affidavit on the absence of symptoms of viral infectious disease in the previous two weeks (hereinafter "affidavit") at the entrance to the promises of the buildings used by the faculty on the day.

  2. The affidavit form is available:


    as an interactive online form in Czech here and in English here. The interactive online affidavit form can be completed on a computer or mobile phone after logging in. In the first step of the login, write your login (e-mail) in the form "" (or UKČO - you can find it on your UK card under the photo or in the SIS). You will then be redirected to the CAS login page, where you will be able to log in with your usual login details. It is not possible to fill in this form without logging in, which is also the identification of the person. After sending, this type of form is automatically electronically registered at the Dean's Office. After revoking this Measure, the data will be shredded.


    as a PDF form in Czech or English, intended for printing and submission in paper form, for download on the web here (in Czech) and here (in English).

    The PDF form must be printed out (in case the student does not do so himself, the forms will be available from teachers), filled in and submitted in paper form at the places specified in Article 3 (4) (varies from building to building). After submission, the form is stored in paper form at the study department. After revoking of this Measure, the paper forms will be shredded.

  3. To enter the premises used by the faculty, the student fills in only one type of honorary declaration of his choice, ie either an online form or a paper form. Both variants of the affidavit are equivalent.

  4. The specification of the conditions for students entering the premises of the buildings used by the faculty and the instructions for submitting affidavits are as follows:


    address - U Kříže 661/8, Praha 5 – Jinonice

    At the reception desk on the ground floor of the building, each visitor enters their name and the time of arrival and departure in a prepared book.

    Visibly marked containers with disinfectant are located in the corridor on the 5th and 6th floors near the classrooms. Students moving in this building can submit completed and signed affidavits in paper form to the box marked as "PODATELNA". The box is located on the 5th floor next to the door 5005.


    address - José Martího 269/31, Praha 6 – Veleslavín

    Visibly marked containers with disinfectant are located in each classroom.

    Students moving in this building can submit completed and signed affidavits in paper form to the box marked as "PODATELNA". The box is located next to room C 028.


    address - Máchova 435/5, Praha 2 – Vinohrady

    Visibly marked containers with disinfectant are located in each classroom.

    Students moving in this building can submit completed and signed affidavits in paper form to the teacher or administrative staff they came to.

Article 4: Final Provisions

  1. This Directive shall come into force on the day on which it is signed.

  2. This Directive shall take effect on 30 April 2020. The full text of Dean's Directive No. 3/2020, as amended by Dean's Directive No. 4/2020, enters into force on 11 May 2020.

  3. Part of this Directive is Annex 1: Affidavit of on the absence of symptoms of viral infectious disease in the previous two weeks, in the form of an interactive online form and a printable PDF form.

  4. This Directive shall apply until repealed.

Prague, 30 April 2020

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


Last change: June 8, 2021 22:13 
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