Dean's Directive No. 8/2021


Determination of the minimum number of points for admission to the undergraduate and graduate study programmes at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University for the academic year 2021/2022

To implement:

Charles University Code of Admissions Procedure

Conditions of the admission procedure of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University for the academic year 2021/2022

Date of effect:

17 May 2021

Determination of the minimum number of points for admission to the undergraduate and graduate study programmes at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University for the academic year 2021/2022

Article 1: Introductory Provisions

In accordance with the Code of Admission Procedure of Charles University and the Conditions of the Admission Procedure of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (hereinafter the "Faculty") for the academic year 2021/2022 approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty on 24 September 2020, 25 February 2021 and on 1 April 2021, I issue this Directive.

Article 2: Minimum Number of Points for Admission

  1. I set the minimum number of points for admission to the study of the bachelor's study programme Liberal Arts and Humanitites and master's study programmes at the Faculty as follows:

    Liberal Arts and Humanities (Cz)

    8 points

    Liberal Arts and Humanities (Eng)

    10 points

    History of Modern European Culture

    5 points

    Electronic Culture and Semiotics

    7 points

    Gender Studies

    6 points

    Philosophy in the Context of Humanities

    5 points

    Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations

    9 points

    Social and Cultural Ecology

    4 points

    Studies of Civil Society

    6 points

    Theoretical and Research Psychology

    7 points

  2. The minimum number of points in full-time and distance study in a bachelor's programme and full-time and combined study in master's programmes is the same.

Article 3: Final Provisions

  1. This Directive shall come into force on the day on which it is signed.

  2. This Directive shall take effect on 17 May 2021.

Prague, 17 May 2021

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


Last change: January 7, 2022 11:55 
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