Dean's Directive No. 11/2021


II. amendment and supplementation of Dean's Directive No. 16/2020: Organizational Regulations of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

To implement:

Article 16, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Date of effect:

1 September 2021

II. amendment and supplementation of Dean's Directive No. 16/2020: Organizational Regulations of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Article 1: Subject of the Directive

This Dean's Directive No. 11/2021 amends and supplements Dean's Directive No. 16/2020 as amended by Dean's Directive No. 4/2021 of 1 April 2021.

Article 2: Specific amendments and additions to Dean's Directive No. 16/2020

  1. In Article 4(3), point (g) is amended as follows:

    „g) the Public Procurement Department. "

    The original points (g) to (n) are changed to (h) to (o).

  2. Article 6(1) is amended as follows:

    "1. The Dean’s Secretariat and Public Procurement Department are fully subordinated to the Dean as regards matters of employment, organisation, procedure, content, and conception."

  3. In Article 8(1), point (c) is deleted and the following points (d) to (h) are changed to (c) to (g).

  4. Article 8(2) is amended as follows:

    „2. Other organizational units of the Dean's Office, except for the Dean's Secretariat and the Public Procurement Department, are subordinate to the Secretary in terms of labour law, organization and procedure."

  5. Article 15(1) is amended as follows:

    "1. The Secretary may issue Secretary’s Directives and Secretary´s Measures in order to perform the mentioned powers and within the scope of those powers."

  6. In Article 17, paragraph 8 is amended as follows:

    „1. The Public Procurement Department is responsible for in particular:

    a) elaboration of the concept of procurement procedures for public procurement of the Faculty (hereinafter referred to as "PP");

    b) elaboration and updating of the Dean's measures on the PP

    c) drafting model contracts and orders;

    d) the development of a model content of the PPPFile for each category of PP;

    e) expert support to the contracting departments and the principals of the PP operations;

    f) professional support to the Development and Research departments in the area of procurement;

    g) compiling and updating the Faculty's procurement plan;

    h) procurement of public procurement from 500 thousand. CZK without VAT;

    i) cooperation with a law firm carrying out procurement procedures for over and under limit public procurement;

    j) control activities in the activities of the contracting departments;

    k) management of PP components valued from 100 thousand. CZK without VAT;

    l) reporting to the Dean (Secretary) on the procurement of PP across the Faculty."

    The original paragraphs 8 to 15 are changed to 9 to 16.

Article 3: Final provisions

  1. This directive shall enter into force on the date of signature.

  2. This directive shall enter into force on 1 September 2021.

Prague, 1 September 2021

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


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Dean's Directive No.16/2020 as amended by the Dean's Directive No. 4/2021 and No. 11/2021


Organizational Regulations of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

To implement:

Article 16, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Date of effect:

1 October 2020

(Dean's Directive No.16/2020 as amended by the Dean's Directive No. 4/2021 takes effect on 1 April 2021.)

(Dean's Directive No.16/2020 as amended by the Dean's Directive No. 4/2021 and No. 11/2021 takes effect on 1 September 2021.)

Organizational Regulations of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University


Article 1: Basic provisions

  1. Under Article 16 (3) of the Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (“the Constitution of the Faculty”) this directive provides the detailed regulation of the organization and activities of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (“the Faculty”).

  2. Under Article 15 (3) of the Constitution of the Faculty, this directive provides the extent of the basic powers of the Secretary to the Faculty with relation to the financial management and internal governance of the Faculty. The Faculty Secretary may be entrusted with other powers in conformity with other regulations.*

* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.

Article 2: Dean’s Office

The Dean’s Office is the executive body of the Faculty responsible for the provision of the administrative and economic activities of the Faculty. The duties of the Dean’s Office are defined primarily by the Constitution of the Faculty, the internal regulations of the Faculty, and the Dean’s directives.

Article 3: Seat of the Dean’s Office

The registered office of the Dean’s Office is in Pátkova 2137/5, 182 00 Praha 8.

Article 4: Organisational structure of the Dean’s Office

  1. The basic units of the Dean’s Office which ensure its activities are the organisational units of the Dean’s Office.

  2. The organisational units of the Dean’s Office may be offices and other establishments. The name of the organisational unit is chosen so that it best expresses the aims and responsibilities of the given establishment with an emphasis on clarity for the target groups.

  3. The organisational units of the Dean’s Office are:


    Publications Office;


    Finance Office;


    Doctoral Study Administration Office;


    Information Technologies (IT) Office;


    Development Administration Office;


    Research Administration Office;


    Public Procurement Department;


    Public Relations Office;


    Human Resources;


    Mail Office;


    Dean’s Secretariat;




    Student Administration Office;


    Premises and Facilities Administration; and


    International Office.

  4. In matters of employment, organisation, and procedures, the secretaries of departments belong to the Dean’s Office.

PART TWO: Management of the Dean’s Office

Article 5: Basic principles

  1. In accordance with Article 15 of the Constitution of the Faculty, the Secretary to the Faculty is designated to manage the Dean’s Office and is accountable to the Dean for the activities of the Faculty.

  2. This regulation specifies in which cases and to which extent the organisational unit of the Dean’s Office is subordinated to the Dean or to the relevant Vice-Dean.

  3. If the organisational unit of the Dean’s Office is subordinated to the relevant Vice-Dean in matters of its content and conception, the given Vice-Dean participates in the selection of staff of such organisational unit and is fully accountable to the Dean for its conception and content focus.

Article 6: Dean

  1. The Dean’s Secretariat and Public Procurement Department are fully subordinated to the Dean as regards matters of employment, organisation, procedure, content, and conception.

  2. In accordance with the Dean’s directive regulating the powers and competences of Vice-Deans and the Secretary to the Faculty, the designated Vice-Dean or Secretary to the Faculty acts as the Dean in a period of his absence.

Article 7: Vice-Deans

The organisational units of the Dean’s Office are subjected to the Vice-Deans usually in matters of content and conception as follows:


The Research Administration Office is subordinated to the Vice-Dean for Science and Research;


The Student Administration Office is subordinated to the Vice-Dean for Bachelor Study and Vice-Dean for Admission to Bachelor Study;


The Doctoral Study Administration Office is subordinated to the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Study;


The International Office is subordinated to the Vice-Dean for International Affairs;


The Development Administration Office is subordinated to the Vice-Dean for Development;


The Research Administration Office is subordinated to the Vice-Dean for the associate professorship appointment procedure according to the relevant subject matter.


The Information Technologies Office (IT Office) reports to the Vice-Dean for Information Technologies in accordance with the relevant agenda.

Article 8: Secretary to the Faculty

  1. The following units are fully subordinated to the Secretary in matters of employment, organisation, procedure, content, and conception:


    Publications Office;


    Finance Office;


    Public Relations Office;


    Human Resources;


    Mail Office;


    Archives; and


    Premises and Facilities Administration.

  2. Other organizational units of the Dean's Office, except for the Dean's Secretariat and the Public Procurement Department, are subordinate to the Secretary in terms of labour law, organization and procedure.

Article 9: Heads of organisational units of the Dean’s Office

  1. The activities of the organisational units of the Dean’s Office are managed by the Heads.

  2. The Head is appointed and removed by the Dean upon the advice of the Secretary to the Faculty.

  3. The Head ensures the fulfilment of tasks of the given unit within the scope of powers provided in this directive and under the instructions of superior managerial staff as stipulated in this directive.

  4. The Head is accountable for his activities to the Secretary to the Faculty. If this or any other regulation provides that the organisational unit is either fully subordinated to the Dean or subordinated in matters of content and conception to a Vice-Dean, the Head is then accountable in such defined areas to the Dean or the relevant Vice-Dean.

  5. In the period of the Head’s absence the mentioned powers and responsibilities pass to the Secretary to the Faculty, or to the person designated by the Dean or the Secretary.

Article 10: Employees of the Dean’s Office

  1. Employees of the Dean’s Office are subordinated to the Head under Article 9 of this Directive.

  2. Employees of the Dean’s Office have a duty to perform their work properly to the best of their power, knowledge, and abilities according to their employment contract and job description and under the instruction of their Head or Dean, the relevant Vice-Dean, guarantor of a study programme, or Secretary, on time and in conformity with the legislation and internal regulations of Charles University (“the University”) and the Faculty.

  3. The Dean’s Office is the place of work for employees of the organisational units of the Dean’s Office unless the employment contract provides otherwise in a specific case.


Article 11: Powers of the Secretary with relation to financial and property management

The Secretary to the Faculty is designated to act in the name of the Faculty in matters connected with financial and property management, in particular in the following areas:


The provision of material needs for the operation and development of the Faculty;


The preparation of a draft budget and the control of continuous drawing from the budget;


The circulation of accounting documents;


Orders of goods and services;


Contracts with suppliers of goods and services and customers thereof;


Contracts regulating the operation and proper management of premises administered or used by the Faculty;


Contracts regulating the reimbursement of travel expenses and contributions for accommodation;


Leases of premises administered by the Faculty;


Sales contracts;


Deeds of donations;


Contracts regulating IP rights; and


The coordination of providing information under Act No. 106/1999 Sb., regulating free access to information, as amended.

Article 12: Powers of the Secretary in the internal administration of the Faculty

The Secretary to the Faculty is designated to act in the name of the Faculty in matters of internal administration of the Faculty, in particular in the following areas:


Setting the rules of operation;


Setting binding procedures;


Health and safety requirements at work (including meetings with the relevant bodies and institutions);


Fire safety (including meetings with the relevant bodies and institutions);


Civil protection (including meetings with the relevant bodies and institutions);


The provision and coordination of internal and external control activities (including meetings with the relevant bodies and institutions); and


Contracts regulating students’ practical trainings.

Article 13: Powers of the Secretary in employment matters of all employees

The Secretary to the Faculty is designated to act in the name of the Faculty in the employment matters of all employees in the following areas:


Placing employees in pay bands and issuing itemized pay statements;


Agreements on deductions from wages;


Agreement on work performed outside of employment;


Agreements on liability for damage; and


Checking if employees are not under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.

Article 14: Powers of the Secretary in the employment matters of non-academic employees

The Secretary to the Faculty is designated to act in the name of the Faculty in the employment matters of non-academic employees under section 32 of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on higher education institutions and on changes in and amendments to other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, in the following areas:


Giving an opinion on the proposal to employ an applicant for a job;


Giving an opinion on the amount and structure of an employee’s wages; and


Giving an opinion on proposed changes in an employment contract and the amount of wages.

Article 15: Regulations issued by the Secretary to the Faculty

  1. The Secretary may issue Secretary’s Directives and Secretary´s Measures in order to perform the mentioned powers and within the scope of those powers.

  2. The Secretary’s Directive is a regulation which governs specific topics linked to the financial management or internal administration of the Faculty.

  3. The Secretary’s Measure is a methodical regulation prescribing namely procedures to be followed for the performance of tasks.


Article 16: General tasks

  1. The organisational units of the Dean’s Office provide, within the scope of their powers, coordination, consultation, information, registration, and conception activities at the Faculty.

  2. The organisational units of the Dean’s Office cooperate, namely they share documents and information necessary for the fulfilment of their tasks.

  3. The organisational units of the Dean’s Office, or their staff, perform activities mentioned in the following provisions of this Directive usually in the following manner:


    They prepare documents for activities of the Dean, Vice-Deans, Secretary to the Faculty, and other bodies of the Faculty (the Academic Senate, boards, etc.);


    They prepare draft decisions and written filings;


    They perform activities required by legislation, keep requisite documentation, and process and evaluate data from the area of their responsibilities;


    They provide monitoring statistics and reporting for the Faculty within the scope of their activities;


    They discuss the matters of the Faculty with governmental agencies and other relevant offices;


    They actively monitor the development of legislation and internal regulations of the University relevant for the scope of their activities and ensure the implementation of changes in the current procedures, including proposals for changes in the Faculty regulations;


    They propose updates to the Faculty regulations in conformity with the legislation in force and the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty, with the aim of safeguarding activities of the Faculty;


    They administer the financial means of the Faculty according to generally binding legislation and internal regulations and manage them according to the relevant rules;


    They keep records within the scope of their activities, process and evaluate information data within the scope of their activities and, unless it is contrary to the interests of the Faculty or University, they provide necessary information to employees and students of the Faculty, and citizens, in particular by means of electronic, written, or voice communication, on websites of the Faculty, through information systems created for that purpose and by organising information meetings and trainings so that such information is timely, topical, complete, and correct;


    They cooperate within the scope of their activities with the establishments of the Rector’s Office and its other units, including methodology;


    They cooperate in the fulfilment of their tasks with local and foreign institutions and organisations;


    They are responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of stamps;


    They keep the property entrusted to them; and


    They ensure records management within their Archive.

Article 17: Responsibilities of the organisational units of the Dean’s Office

  1. The general tasks listed in Article 16 of this directive are performed by the organisational units of the Dean’s Office within their respective responsibilities as defined and specified in this Article.

  2. The Publications Office is responsible for in particular:


    The acquisition, preparation, and realisation of the editorial plan upon the decision of the Editorial Board of the Faculty;


    The preparation of referee reports, editorial, and graphic work on publications of the Faculty and the organisation or their production;


    The production of publications and journals of the Faculty;


    The promotion, distribution, and sale of the publications and journals of the Faculty, including dispatching legal deposits and the performance of obligatory supply;


    The acquisition and preparation of publications of the Faculty performed in Karolinum Press;


    The operation of the Faculty ISBN and ISSN;


    The management of IP rights (licenced publisher agreement) for works of employees and other works published by the Faculty or with its participation;


    Cooperation with publishing houses of other higher education institutions and with the Faculty library;


    Administrative support to the Editorial Board; and


    Representation of the Faculty in the Editorial Board of the University.

  3. The Finance Office is responsible for in particular:


    The budget monitoring;


    The operational area of bank transactions;


    The services of the payments office;


    The discharge of the function of an accounting unit for the Faculty (bookkeeping, reporting obligations, etc.);


    The settlement with the state budget and tax duties of the Faculty;


    The harmony between drawing allocated funds and the rules set by the providers of funds; and


    The operational area of business trips including the purchase of travel tickets and health insurance for academics who travel abroad.

  4. The Doctoral Study Administration Office is responsible for in particular:


    Study in doctoral programmes of study, including study accredited in foreign languages;


    Matriculation and graduation ceremonies in doctoral programmes of study;


    Subject-area boards within doctoral programmes of study;


    Scholarships or bursaries, with the exception of scholarships for research and prizes for students of doctoral programmes of study;


    The organisation of students’ assessment of teaching in doctoral programmes of study;


    Assistance in the organisation and administration of the preparation of accreditation documents for programmes of study and doctoral programmes of study;


    The guarantors of doctoral programmes of study;


    The organisation of the admissions procedure to doctoral programmes of study; and


    Communications with potential applicants for doctoral study.

  5. The IT Office is responsible for in particular:


    The operation, maintenance, repair, and development of the computer network of the Faculty, including software, web, and intranet and all types of backbone and terminal elements;


    Purchases, claims, warranty and post-warranty repairs, and the ecological disposal of hardware;


    Coordination of the acquisition or development of software;


    Support for users of computers, copying, and audio-visual technologies;


    The operation, maintenance, repair, and development of audio-visual technology;


    The establishment and administration of users’ accounts;


    Information security and data back-up;


    Assistance with the creation of employees’ electronic certificates;


    The administrative and technologic support and management of the Study Information System (the SIS) of the Faculty in cooperation with units providing the operation of programmes of study, preparation of study reports, and dealing with the central University SIS support;


    Methodological, coordination and technologic support for e-learning tools in cooperation with the central University support; and


    The support and management of University database systems at the Faculty, communication with the administrators of University systems, and the subsequent coordination of the administration of those systems at the Faculty.

  6. The Development Administration Office is responsible for in particular:


    The operational area of development and operational programmes;


    The operational area of applied research (TAČR, AZV, etc.);


    The operational area of public procurements, including the management of the Faculty profile of the contracting entity and the electronic tool for the administration of public procurements;


    The preparation and realisation of investment and similar activities;


    The operational area of the property register; and


    Administrative support for the Damage Commission and the Liquidation Commission.

  7. The Research Administration Office is responsible for in particular:


    The search for sources of funding for the research and creative activities of academics, researchers, and students of the Faculty and active communication about such possibilities to the target groups at the Faculty;


    Universal assistance to academics, researchers, and students of the Faculty in the preparation, realisation, submission, continuous assessment, and conclusion of scholarly and creative projects in the system of state, institutional, and international competitions in support of science and research;


    Checks of adherence to rules and deadlines set by the providers of funding;


    The conclusion of grant contracts and licence agreements for projects linked to the realisation of research and creative activities at the Faculty;


    The management of tools for the registration of all grant projects carried out at the Faculty or projects for the support of research and creative activities;


    The organisation of grant competitions at the Faculty or competitions organised within the framework of institutional support for science and research at the University;


    The administration of scholarships in support of scholarly and creative activities of students of the Faculty;


    The continuous monitoring of the research achievement of academics, researchers, and students of the Faculty and the collection of data for the assessment of scholarly and creative activities performed at the Faculty;


    The organisation of procedures for the appointment of associate and full professors;


    The operational area of honorary degrees, competitions, and awards of Faculty employees in connexion with the scholarly and creative activities at the Faculty;


    The organisational and administrative assistance to the Research Board of the Faculty;


    The organisational and administrative assistance in the preparation of accreditation documents in the branches of associate and full professorships;


    Administrative support for the Ethics in Research Commission; and


    Administrative support for the approval and realisation of sabbaticals of academics and researchers of the Faculty.

  8. The Public Procurement Department is responsible for in particular:


    elaboration of the concept of procurement procedures for public procurement of the Faculty (hereinafter referred to as "PP");


    elaboration and updating of the Dean's measures on the PP;


    drafting model contracts and orders;


    the development of a model content of the PP File for each category of PP;


    expert support to the contracting departments and the principals of the PP operations;


    Professional support to the Development and Research departments in the area of procurement;


    compiling and updating the Faculty's procurement plan;


    procurement of public procurement from 500 thousand. CZK without VAT;


    cooperation with a law firm carrying out procurement procedures for over and under limit public procurement;


    control activities in the activities of the contracting departments;


    management of PP components valued from 100 thousand. CZK without VAT;


    reporting to the Dean (Secretary) on the procurement of PP across the Faculty.

  9. The Public Relations Office is responsible for in particular:


    The coordination of the preparation, production, and distribution of presentation and information materials and items as well as the social activities of the Faculty;


    The preparation of press releases and other materials for the media, including the management of the database of contacts;


    The creation of the web presentation homepage and the coordination of the web presentation of the Faculty (Czech and English versions);


    The creation of content and the coordination of the promotion of the Faculty on social networks;


    Methodological support to basic units of the Faculty in the creation of content for web presentations and social networks;


    The coordination of image, sound, and audio-visual documentation of Faculty events and the management of the databank for such documentation;


    The operational area of the Public Relations Officer; and


    Communication with graduates.

  10. Human Resources is responsible for in particular:


    The operational area of personnel and social matters of the Faculty;


    The operational area of the wages of Faculty employees;


    The clearance of wages and remuneration for work performed under agreements to work outside of employment;


    The operational area of contributions for meals, including meal vouchers;


    The harmonization of employment relations and the drawing of wages with the rules set by the providers of funds;


    The operational area of academics’ sabbaticals;


    The organisation of selection procedures;


    The organisation of occupational healthcare services; and


    The coordination of the management of applications and programmes designed for the personnel and wages matters of the Faculty.

  11. The Mail Office is responsible for in particular:


    The registration of incoming documents, including the distribution of incoming data messages;


    The receipt and dispatching of mail;


    The administration of the electronic records management system; and


    The disclosure of contracts in the public Register of Contracts under Act No. 340/2015 Sb., regulating special conditions for the effect of certain contracts, the disclosure of such contracts and the Register of Contracts (the Register of Contracts Act).

  12. The Dean’s Secretariat is responsible for in particular:


    The conditions for the Dean’s activities;


    The conditions for the activities of the Dean’s Board and the extended Dean’s Board;


    Administrative support for the activities of the Academic Senate, the Research Board, and the Disciplinary Commission;


    The conditions for the activities of other bodies of the Faculty in necessary cases;


    The production and records of official and other stamps used at the Faculty;


    The records of the Faculty regulations;


    The operational area of students’ prizes;


    Accommodation for academic staff and official guests coming to the Faculty; and


    The ordering of goods and services for the Faculty.

  13. The Archives is responsible for in particular:


    The management of the main Archives of the Faculty;


    The record-keeping of documents and files deposited in the main Archives, including updates of the location plan of the main Archives;


    The observation of conditions for inspecting and borrowing documents and files deposited in the main Archive; and


    The calling for and preparation of a safe records destruction procedure and the submission of a safe records destruction proposal to the Records Management Office of Charles University.

  14. The Student Administration Office is responsible for in particular:


    The operational areas of pre-graduate study programmes, including the study accredited in foreign languages;


    The creation of the academic calendar and the schedule of the admissions procedure of the Faculty;


    The creation of work schedules for the secretaries of study programmes and lifelong learning programmes and the coordination of their work;


    Organisational and administrative assistance in the preparation of proposals for pre-graduate programmes of study;


    The preparation, administration, and checks of programmes of study;


    Checks of the compliance of instruction with the approved curricula and the fulfilment of study requirements by students; checks and administration of students’ study statuses, including enrolment in study, the interruption of study, individual curricula, withdrawal from study, and its completion;


    The creation of schedules for pre-graduate programmes of study and the schedules for the use of classrooms and other rooms for the purposes of the implementation of the prepared study schedules;


    The operational area of regular and irregular reservations of classrooms and other rooms;


    The management of the SIS; the monitoring of and ordering of Faculty requests for changes in the SIS modules in cooperation with the IT Office and the central University support;


    The operational area of scholarships and bursaries;


    The operational area of the register of graduates, diplomas, and graduation and matriculation ceremonies in pre-graduate programmes of study;


    The operational area of the recognition of a foreign university degree (general nostrification) and the assessment of foreign diplomas at the Faculty for the purposes of their processing in the following admissions procedure to pre-graduate or post-graduate programmes;


    Assistance to pre-graduate students in the resolution of their study problems; the operational area of students with special needs; attention paid to applicants and pre-graduate students with visa requirements, and cooperation in the provision of accommodation to foreign pre-graduate students of the Faculty;


    The organisation of student assessment of instruction;


    The operational area of guarantors of pre-graduate programmes of study;


    The preparation of documents for the call for admissions procedure in pre-graduate programmes of study; the organisation of the admissions procedure in pre-graduate programmes of study; the operational area of decisions on study and admission to study, the checks of administrative procedure, and participation in the meetings of the commissions for methodology of the Rector’s Office of the University;


    The active promotion of study at the Faculty in order to attract quality Czech and foreign applicants and communication with potential applicants for study;


    The preparation of the print version of Karolínka;


    The organisation of lifelong learning programmes, including the University of the Third Age;


    The operational area of the fees for study in pre-graduate programmes of study;


    The organisation of state examinations in pre-graduate programmes of study;


    The register and publication of final theses;


    The recognition of subjects completed in a previous or another course of study;


    The operational area of registration for compulsory and elective subjects from pre-graduate programmes of study into the SIS; and


    Administrative assistance in entering results into SIS provided to teachers, and checks of such results according to the schedule of the academic year;

  15. The Premises and Facilities Administration is responsible for in particular:


    The maintenance of the building, built-in equipment, or other premises administered by the Faculty;


    Keeping records on and the removal of warranty and post-warranty defects;


    The supply of electricity and necessary elements for electric and heating equipment, the supply of water, and the checking and keeping records of costs for those supplies;


    Services linked to the operation of the building (cleaning inside and outside the building, waste disposal, surveillance of the building, etc.);


    The purchase and keeping records of spare parts and other material used for the maintenance of the building;


    The position of the main power engineer specialist of the Faculty, the water resources officer, and the observation of the environment protection principles;


    The organisation of technological, revision, and service inspections of the technical security of the building, internal utility constructions, and their accessories; and


    The organisation of employee training in occupational health and safety, fire and civil protection, including the organisation of training for non-professional drivers-employees of the Faculty.

  16. The International Office is responsible for in particular:


    The operational area of cooperation with foreign universities and other institutions;


    The operational area of the mobility of students and academic staff at universities and other institutions abroad and at the Faculty within the framework of agreements on cooperation with foreign institutions and international programmes in education;


    The administration of applications for financial support from the University Mobility Fund, the University Centre for Strategic Partnerships, and financial support granted within the relevant competition organised at the Faculty; and


    The operational area of teaching programmes for foreign students in cooperation with partner institutions and the operational area of short-term Faculty programmes in foreign languages (such as summer schools).

Article 18: Other tasks

  1. The organisational units of the Dean’s Office ensure tasks resulting from the legislation and internal regulations of the University and Faculty.

  2. In case of doubt regarding the powers of the organisational unit of the Dean’s Office to discharge a task set by the legislation or an internal regulation of the University or Faculty, it is the Secretary to the Faculty who decides upon consultation with the Dean, relevant Vice-Deans, and Heads.

  3. If operational or other pressing circumstances so require, the Secretary may extend, narrow, or redistribute the tasks and powers of the individual organisational units of the Dean’s Office by his directive issued upon consultation with the Dean.


Article 19

  1. Dean’s Directives No. 1/2002 and 6/2007 and the Dean’s Guideline No. 1/2004 are hereby repealed as of the date of legal effect of this Directive.

  2. This Directive comes into force on 28 September 2020.

  3. This Directive comes into effect on 1 October 2020.

Prague, 28 September 2020

Ing. Arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


Last change: January 7, 2022 11:40 
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