Dean's Directive No. 2/2022


Amendment to Dean's Directive No. 10/2021: Schedule of the Academic Year 2021/2022

To implement:


Date of effect:

10 January 2022

Amendment to Dean's Directive No. 10/2021: Schedule of the Academic Year 2021/2022

Article 1: Subject matter of the directive

This Dean's Directive No. 2/2022 amends and supplements Dean's Directive No. 10/2021 of 30 June 2021.

Article 2: Specific amendments and additions to Dean's Directive No. 10/2021

  1. In Article 2(2), the date of the Faculty open house is amended as follows:

    "Faculty Open House: 26. 1. 2022 (Wednesday)"

  2. In Article 2(3), the text concerning the registration period for subjects in the Summer Term is amended as follows:

    "Offer of subjects (registration period) in the Summer Term:

    For students of the FH CU:

    Phase one:

    2. 2. 2022

    Phase Two:

    3. 2. 2022 – 27. 2. 2022

    Further details, including times of each phase, are given on the faculty website."

Article 3: Final provisions

  1. This directive shall enter into force on the date of signature.

  2. This directive shall enter into force on 10 January 2022.

Prague, 10 January 2022

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


************** FULL TEXT **************

Dean's Measure No. 10/2021 as amended by Dean's Directive No. 2/2022: Schedule of the academic year 2020/2021 (full text)


Schedule of the Academic Year 2021/2022

To implement:

Charles University Rector´s Directive No. 6/2021

Date of effect:

30 June 2021

(Dean's Directive No. 10/2021 as amended by Dean's Directive No. 2/2022 shall take effect on January 10, 2022.)

Schedule of the Academic Year 2021/2022

Article 1: Introductory provisions

In accordance with the Charles University Rector's Directive No. 6/2021, I issue this Dean's Directive.

Article 2: Schedule

  1. Principal Dates:

    Commencement of the academic year 2021/2022:

    1. 10. 2021 (Friday)

    End of the academic year 2021/2022:

    30. 9. 2022 (Friday)

    Tuition in the Winter Term:

    4. 10. 2021 – 7. 1. 2022

    (Tuition may begin as early as October 1, 2021 if the guarantor of the study programme decide so)

    Exam Period in the Winter Term:

    10. 1. – 11. 2. 2022

    Winter Holidays:

    23. 12. 2021 – 2. 1. 2022

    Tuition in the Summer Term:

    21. 2. – 20. 5. 2022

    (In accordance with the decision of the guarantor of the study programme "Management and supervision in social and health organisations" tuition in the Summer Term in this programme begins on February 14, 2022)

    Exam period in the Summer Term:

    23. 5. – 16. 9. 2022

    Summer Holidays:

    1. 7. – 31. 8. 2022

    (exam period is interrupted on this date)

  2. Special Dates:


    29. 10. 2021 (Friday)

    Faculty Open House:

    26. 1. 2022 (Wednesday)

    Dean's days (no classes):

    29. 10. 2021 (Friday)

    14. 4. 2022 (Maundy Thursday)

    Rector's Day (no classes):

    11. 5. 2022 (Wednesday)

  3. Courses Open for Registration:

    Offer of subjects (registration period) in the Winter Term:

    For students of the FH CU:

    23. 9. 2021 10.00 AM – 17. 10. 2021 11.59 PM

    For students of other CU faculties:

    24. 9. 2021 10.00 AM – 17. 10. 2021 11.59 PM

    Offer of subjects (registration period) in the Summer Term:

    For students of the FH CU:

    Phase one:

    2. 2. 2022

    Phase Two:

    3. 2. 2022 – 27. 2. 2022

    Further details, including times of each phase, are given on the faculty website.

    For students of other CU faculties:

    7. 2. 2022 10.00 AM – 27. 2. 2022 11.59 PM

  4. Period for the enrollment in the second or higher year of the Bachelor’s and Master’s studies in the academic year 2021/2022 after meeting the conditions (only electronically):

    23. 5. – 23. 9. 2022

  5. Deadlines for the annual evaluation of Individual Study Plans (ISP) within doctoral study programmes:

    Commencement of the annual ISP evaluation:

    from 1. 6. 2022

    Handing over the completed ISP assessment by the student to the supervisor:

    to 16. 9. 2022

    Handing over the ISP evaluation by the supervisor to the Subject area Board:

    to 30. 9. 2022

    Approval and conclusion of the ISP evaluation by the subject area Board:

    to 30. 10. 2022

  6. Dates for submitting a binding application for parts of the state examination other than the Defense of the Bachelor Thesis and the Humanities Examination, in the bachelor study program in the Czech language and related dates of the state examination:

    Deadline for submission of the application: 20. 10. 2021

    → state examination in the period 1. 11. – 10. 12. 2021

    Deadline for submission of the application: 13. 12. 2021

    → state examination in the period 1. 11. – 10. 12. 2021

    Deadline for submission of the application: 18. 2. 2022

    → state examination in the period 1. 3. – 22. 4. 2022

    Deadline for submission of the application: 25. 4. 2022

    → state examination in the period 2. 5. – 9. 9. 2022

    (the period is interrupted on summer holiday)

  7. Dates for submission of the bachelor thesis and binding application for the Defense of the bachelor thesis and the Examination in humanities in the bachelor study in Czech and English language and related dates of the state examination:

    Deadline for submission: 7. 1. 2022

    → state examination in the period 24. 1. – 11. 2. 2022

    Deadline for submission: 6. 5. 2022

    → state examination in the period 23. 5. – 17. 6. 2022

    Deadline for submission: 24. 6. 2022

    → state examination in the period 1. 9. – 27. 9. 2022

  8. Deadlines for submission of diploma thesis and binding application for the state exam and subsequent deadlines for master's state exams:

    Deadline for submission: 7. 1. 2022

    → state examination in the period 17. 1. – 11. 2. 2022

    Deadline for submission: 6. 5. 2022

    → state examination in the period 23. 5. – 24. 6. 2022

    Deadline for submission: 30. 6. 2022

    → state examination in the period 1. 9. – 27. 9. 2022

  9. Deadlines for submission of the dissertation thesis and the application for the state doctoral examination in the doctoral study and related dates of the state doctoral exams and defenses of the dissertation works:

    It is possible to register for the state doctoral examination and submit the dissertation at any time during the entire academic year (except summer holidays), provided that according to the Study and Examination Regulations of Charles University it is possible to set the date of the state doctoral examination and defense individually. The thesis must be submitted at least half a year before its planned defense.

Article 3: Final Provisions

  1. This Directive shall come into force on the day on which it is signed.

  2. This Directive shall take effect on 30 June 2021.

  3. This Directive cancels the Dean’s Directive No. 11/2020 with effect as from 1 October 2021.

Prague, 30 June 2021

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


The first full text is effective from 10 January 2022.

Last change: January 12, 2022 16:12 
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