Dean's Directive No. 4/2022


Public Procurement Records at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

To implement:

Act on Public Procurement; Directive of the Rector of Charles University No. 30/2020: Rules for Public Procurement within Charles University

Date of effect:

14 February 2022

Public Procurement Records at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Article 1: Introductory provisions

In accordance with the Act on Public Procurement and the Rector's Directive No.30/2020 of the Rules for Public Procurement within Charles University, this directive of the Dean establishes the principles for the continuous unified recording of all public procurement awarded by the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (hereinafter referred to as the "Faculty").

Article 2: Public procurement records

  1. The activities related to the recording of public procurements (hereinafter referred to as "PP") are carried out by the Public Procurement Office (hereinafter referred to as "PP Office").

  2. In accordance with the above-mentioned Rector's directive, each faculty employee who prepares a PP is obliged to first apply in writing to the PP Office for the assignment of a PP registration number (hereinafter referred to as the "PP number") for a given procurement, regardless of its estimated value, regardless of the prevailing source of financing and regardless of the subject of the PP.

  3. Without a PP number assigned by the PP Office, a faculty member cannot place a PP, i.e., cannot submit a contract to the Dean for signature, cannot send an order to a supplier, or cannot make a direct purchase paid for in cash or by credit card..

  4. The faculty employee will apply for a PP number by emailing . In the request for a PP number, the employee must provide the following information:


    the name of the PP;


    whether the PP is for supplies, for services or for works;


    the estimated value of the PP in CZK excluding VAT (the value of the PP must be determined in accordance with Section 16 of the Public Procurement Act);


    the financial resources for financing the PP;


    any requirement for a specific marking of the number of the PP (e.g. for a PP under the responsibility of the Development Administration Office or the Research Administration Office;


    name, departmen and job title;


    date and signature.

  5. The faculty employee shall then enter the allocated PP number in the header of the order or contract and record it in the documentation of the relevant PP kept by the faculty employee.

Article 3: Exceptions to public procurement records

This directive does not apply to the award of the following PP:


cleaning services;


security services;


supply of office supplies and ancillary goods;


supplies and services ordered by the FH CU Library;


accommodation services related to staff business trips and the related purchase of air tickets and tickets for public and urban transport and the necessary travel insurance (however, this does not apply to contracts for the rental of premises, their equipment, refreshments, technical services, lecturing services and similar services or supplies related to the business trip);


routine employment, legal, accounting and tax consultancy services;


postal services, supply of stamps and similar valuables;


energy supplies and services (water, gas, electricity, heat);


occupational health services;


purchase of fuel and operating materials and necessary operating equipment;


contracts awarded through university-wide or centralised procurement at Charles University;


contracts relating to the operation of the Faculty building which must be awarded immediately in urgent cases, e.g. when dealing with the immediate consequences of natural disasters, emergency conditions threatening safety and preventing the performance of work, etc.

Article 4: Final provisions

  1. This directive shall enter into force on the date of signature.

  2. This directive shall enter into force on 14 February 2022.

Prague, 1 February 2022

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


Last change: February 9, 2022 10:17 
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