Dean´s Directive No. 1/2023


Determination of the amount of the scholarship for outstanding study results at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University for the academic year 2021/2022

To implement:

Article 4(3) and (4) of the Scholarship Regulations of Charles University as amended with effect from 1 May 2022; Article 2 of the Rules for Awarding Scholarships at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University as amended with effect from 24 October 2020

Date of effect:

10 January 2023

Determination of the amount of the scholarship for outstanding study results at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University for the academic year 2021/2022

Article 1: Introductory provisions

In accordance with Article 4(3) and (4) of the Charles University Scholarship Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "CU Scholarship Regulations") as amended with effect from 1 May 2022 and Article 2 of the Rules for Awarding Scholarships at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules" and the "Faculty") as amended with effect from 24 October 2020, I issue the following directive of the Dean.

Article 2: Specific amount of the scholarship for outstanding study results in the academic year 2021/2022

The specific amount of the scholarship for outstanding academic performance of students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes achieved in the academic year 2021/2022, who are eligible for the award of this scholarship according to the Regulations of the Charles University and the Rules, is set at CZK 10,000.

Article 3: Final Provisions

  1. In accordance with the provisions of Article 4(4) of the Academic Regulations of the Charles University, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts expressed its favourable opinion on the specific amount of the scholarship for outstanding study results referred to in Article 2 of this directive on 5 January 2023.

  2. This directive shall enter into force on the date of signature.

  3. This directive shall enter into force on 10 January 2023.

  4. This directive repeals Dean's Measure No. 3/2022 as of its effective date.

Prague, 10 January 2023

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


Last change: April 17, 2023 10:41 
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