• Calendar


Orientation Programme for Non-degree International Students


  • Registration and welcome at the FHS & getting to know each other

  • Assistance with getting your CU Student Card


  • Information session: Practical issues related to your life in Prague and study at CU (FAQ)

  • CU Facilities (Internet access, library and the Jinonice campus tour)

  • Assistance with buying the Prague transport season ticket


  • Information session: Your study plan and the instruction on the registration to the courses

  • Practical workshop: Getting familiar with the online Student Information System (SIS)


  • Information session: Cultural orientation + CU International Student Club (IC CUNI)

  • Social events: Treasure Hunt & Welcome party

Event start 16 February 2016
Event end 19 February 2016
Organiser International Office
Organiser's contact email international@fhs.cuni.cz
Event website http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-351.html
Programme http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-351-version1-arrival_sheet_st_16.pdf
Venue Jinonice campus (U Kříže 8, Prague 5), room 6020
Last change: May 19, 2004 16:46 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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