• Calendar


Lecture „The theological and the linguistic turn of XXth Century Philosophy“

Department of German and French Philosophy and Erasmus Master Mundus EuroPhilosophie programme invites all colleagues and students to lectures presented as part of the EMM course „Philosophie de la religion: approches phénoménologique et métaphysique“. The lectures entitled The theological and the linguistic turn of XXth Century Philosophy will be presented by Dr Urszula Idziak-Smoczyńska, a member of the Institute for the Study of Religions at the Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Dr Idziak-Smoczyńska specializes in contemporary philosophy of religion. For further information on Dr. Idziak’s research interests and the course content please consult this site.

Course Program:

  • 2 May 2016: 12:30-14:00 (room no. 6004)

  • 3 May 2016: 13:00 - 15:30 (room no. 6004)

  • 5 May 2016: 14:00 - 15:30 (Akvarium)

  • 6 May 2016: 14:30- 17:00 (room no. 6022)

Language of instruction: English (second language: French)

Event start 2 May 2016
Event end 6 May 2016
Type of event Lecture
Organiser Department of German and French Philosophy and Erasmus Master Mundus EuroPhilosophie programme
Organiser's contact email lenka.vinterova@fhs.cuni.cz
Venue Faculty of Humanities, U Krize 8, Prague 5
Reservation no
Admission fee no
Disabled access yes
Last change: May 19, 2004 16:46 
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