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12 July 2020

Graduate Filip Herza Granted Otto Wichterle Award

A graduate of doctoral study program General Anthropology, Filip Herza has been granted Otto Wichterle Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences.


Absolvent FHS UK Filip Herza laureátem prémie Otto Wichterleho AV ČR (foto: AV ČR)

The Otto Wichterle Award

The Otto Wichterle Award is an honour given by the Czech Academy of Sciences to stimulate and encourage selected, exceptionally outstanding, promising young scientists at the Czech Academy of Sciences for their remarkable contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge in a given area of science. Nominees with scientific degrees (CSc., Dr., Ph.D., DrSc.) are eligible provided that they are not older than 35 in the calendar year when the nominations are submitted.

Absolvent FHS UK Filip Herza laureátem prémie Otto Wichterleho AV ČR (foto: AV ČR)

Photos: CAS

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