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8 November 2020

Jan Bouzek Passed Away

Profesor Jan Bouzek (foto: http://ukar.ff.cuni.cz/)

Jan Bouzek (1935 - 2020) was a classical archaeologist with an overlap into Philosophy and Anthropology. His main specialization was early Greek, Etruscan and Thracian archeology, but he also devoted many studies to prehistoric central European and provincial Roman archaeology, and to the reception of classical and Czech art.  He was involved with numerous excavations and survey projects both in the Czech Republic and across the Mediterranean. From 1980 to 1983 he led the excavations at Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka on behalf of UNESCO. From 1993 to 2013 he directed the excavation of the Greek settlement of Pistiros in Bulgaria and in 1996 he led the Czech UNESCO excavation in Beirut.

His main foreign language books are:

  • Homerisches Griechenland (1969)

  • Graeco-Macedonian Bronzes (1974)

  • The Aegean, Anatolia and Europe: cultural interrelations in the 2nd millennium B.C. (1985)

  • Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Region (1990)

  • Greece, Anatolia and Europe in the Early Iron Age (1997)

  • Thracians and Their Neighbours (2005)

  • Art and Mind. The Development of Human Mind as seen through the Art (2018)

  • Studies of Homeric Greece (2018)

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