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6 July 2015

Dean`s statement considering the demonstration against immigration

Wednesday`s demonstration against immigrants (1/7/2015) was a culmination of demagogic efforts to abuse a socially serious topic for political struggle and to disseminate hatred and xenophobia. Not only the gallows and the ropes carried by some demonstrators, but also the calls for hatred and violence repeated in different manifestations are already far beyond the democratic dialogue, and we cannot stand idly, appealing to freedom of speech. The 70th anniversary of the end of the 2nd World War should be a reminder of the horrors caused by similar attitudes that are tolerated or even supported by society and its institutions. Although we can have different views on the manner and extent of assistance that our country is able to provide, I believe that refugees should be helped and their distress may not be abused to spread the atmosphere of fear and hatred. As the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities I am glad that not only many of my colleagues, but also students consider these incidents (Wednesday`s and similar) and their tolerating unacceptable and alarming.

Marie Pětová, M.Arch., M.A., Ph.D.


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