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8 July 2022

FHS Headquarters in "Czech Architecture 2020–2021" Yearbook

The new FHS building has been listed in the prestigious yearbook "Czech Architecture 2020–2021". The book selects 32 outstanding domestic buildings from the last two years. The editor of this year's edition, architect Pavla Melková, says that the new FHS headquarters is unique for its useful integration of the previously fragmented buildings into one.

Sídlo FHS v prestižní ročence „Česká architektura 2020–2021“

The editor presents typologically diverse works and her perspective on contemporary architecture, under the term “architecture of care”.

In the next chapter, Olga Myslivečková interviews Petr Hlaváček, Prague councillor, about metropolitan planning, housing, transport and brownfields.

The last chapter provides an overview of events in the field, medallions of awarded personalities, results of selected national competitions, and published and recommended books, magazines and films.

Sídlo FHS v prestižní ročence „Česká architektura 2020–2021“

The yearbook of Czech architecture regularly informs the interested public about contemporary architecture and brings new ideas and inspiration. For those interested from abroad, the yearbook serves as a brief overview of contemporary Czech architecture.

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