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29 May 2014

Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations hosted 30 students from 5 universities

Between May 12 and May 23, 2014 Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations, Faculty of Humanities hosted, in the framework of the Erasmus Intensive Programme, 30 students from 5 universities (ExternĂ­ odkaz Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland; ExternĂ­ odkaz HAMK University of Applied Sciences in Hämeenlinna, Finland; ExternĂ­ odkaz Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom; ExternĂ­ odkaz University of Évora, Portugal and ExternĂ­ odkaz Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Kazakhstan). The main topic of the program was Management of human resources in social and health care organizations in the 21st century.


ExternĂ­ odkaz Erasmus IP 2014 - opening

ExternĂ­ odkaz Erasmus IP 2014 - excursions

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