• News


30 May 2014

MEN AND BOOKS – for a risk-free use of the European written cultural heritage

In 2012–2014 Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague participated in the international project MEN AND BOOKS, supported by the European Commission (Reg. No. 2012-0920/001-001, coordinator Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Austria).

The main objective of the project was to find a solution to exterminate mould with a substance and method harmless to men and books. This would be beneficial for all European users of archival material. The Archives of the Protestant Parish of the Holy Trinity in Świdnica (PL) were chosen as the representative material for the research within the project.

Project Partners:

  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna / AT – Coordinator

  • European Research Center for Book & Paper Conservation-Restoration / AT

  • ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research / AT

  • Technical University Graz / AT

  • Protestant Parish of the Holy Trinity in Świdnica / PL

  • Charles University in Prague / CZ

While the Austrian teams were primarily focused on the biological, toxicological and restoration research, the Polish teams were devoted to art history and religious research and the Czech team (doc. PhDr. Zdeněk R. Nešpor, PhD., PhDr. Blanka Altová, PhD.) was focused on the history of Silesian Protestantism.

Further information at: ExternĂ­ odkaz http://menandbooks.icar-us.eu/

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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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