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31 October 2017

Visiting Professor in Philosophy (Phenomenology, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Art)

The Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Prague) invites applications for the position of a Visiting Professor in continental philosophy (e. g. Phenomenology, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Art) at the Department of German and French Philosophy.

Applicants (at least PhD or equivalent) must be internationally recognized scholars in their research areas. They are expected to teach two 80-minute courses per week at BA and MA levels. At least one of the courses should introduce topics related to their recent research. The courses should be taught in English or German. Knowledge of the Czech language is not required.

The position is funded by the Czech Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, project no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362. The funding is available for one semester (5 months), starting on February 1st, 2018. The gross monthly salary is 84.000 CZK (approx. 3230 EUR).

Documents in PDF (a cover letter, CV, a list of publications, teaching and research statement, and syllabuses of the proposed courses should be sent to the International Office of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University at .

The application deadline is November 23th, 2017. The selection process will begin immediately after the deadline and a successful candidate will be contacted by December 23th, 2017.

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Charles University

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Czech Republic

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