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2 March 2018

Call for Papers: Workshop on Multisensual Methods

Faculty of Humanities invites you to the interdisciplinary workshop on multisensual methods with Yasmin Gunaratnam.This workshop seeks to explore the generativity, implications, challenges and (in)sensibilities of methodological practices, including but not limited to emerging forms of precarity, dispossession and vulnerability.

The workshop will be led by Yasmin Gunartnam who will give a talk on ‘Borders of Becoming – Researching Immigration Policing’, based on a multi-method research project, the ‘Mapping Immigration Controversy’ (MIC) project that examined the effects of UK government public immigration campaigns between 2013-15. Yasmin is a Reader in Sociology at Goldsmiths (University of London) where she teaches on race, feminism, disability, cultural representation and research methods.

We invite abstracts (250 words) for contributions and interventions in a variety of formats and encourage presentations of work-in-progress for this one-day workshop. Proposals are to be submitted to by 20 March 2018. Presenters will be notified by 30 March 2018. For more information, please contact Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer at .

The workshop is organised as part of the project ‘Techno-ecology of Solar Energy’, funded by the Czech Science Foundation (17-14893S) and carried out at the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University in Prague.

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