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8 March 2019

"Raise a Flag for Tibet" Campaign

The Faculty of Humanities, CU, commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against the Chinese occupation through the international campaign "Raise a Flag for Tibet" on March 10, 2019. "Raise a Flag for Tibet" campaign began in Western Europe in the mid-1990s and has become one of the most significant and symbolic events to support Tibet.

"By raising the flag, Faculty of Humanities expresses support and solidarity with Tibetans, whose human rights have been suppressed by the Chinese regime for decades. Although it is a symbolic support, I believe it is meaningful. I'm convinced that it makes sense to show that we are not indifferent to the fate of people in other countries (especially in the time when the official position of the representatives of our state is not very clear in this respect)," stated Pětová, dean of the FHS.

FHS UK se připojuje ke kampani „Vlajka pro Tibet“

Further information at http://www.lungta.cz/.

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