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Augenblick - HAMU Composition Department concert

Sound propagates through space in time. Without space and time there is no sound. To catch isolated glimpses of the existence of sound in space, to stop them in the imagination, to give them a piece of new attention, to listen to them from different sides and perspectives...

Six new compositions by students of the HAMU Composition Department were created immediately for the performance in the atrium of the Faculty of Humanities of the UK. Specifically, the compositions 14 zastavení (Pavol Béreš), 61251334 (Tobiáš Horvát), Konvo (Benjamin Kotík), Zugzwang (Juraj Gažmerčík), De Motu Cogitationis (John Franek) and Dial-up (Patrik Herman) will be performed.

We are entering a space that is not a concert space, but rather a community space. We echo a space that normally reflects the prosaic reality of the everyday university day rather than the singular reality of a concert. We perform outside of the time during which this space usually comes alive and for which it was created. We bring together communities whose discourses are often rather parallel.

Pavol Béreš works with abstractions and associations of archetypal ideas. John Franek attempts to bring the abstract movements of his own ideas into physical space. Juraj Gažmerčík is inspired by a situation in chess in which a player is forced to make an unfavourable move. Patrik Herman reflects on the communication between the ensemble and the parallel world. Tobiáš Horváth focuses on the tension between stillness and movement, silence and colour. Benjamin Kotík attempts to create a new virtual space within the physical space.

Augenblick is a moment in which music arises from sound.

Igor Karpilovskij – dirigent

Štěpán Hon – vibrafon

Vít Janečka – violin

Štěpán Janoušek – trombone

Anna Paulová – clarinets

Marcel Petráš – violoncello

Kateřina Vacková – contrabass

Martina Mojžišová - mezzo-sopran

Juraj Gažmerčík - drum

Adam Holáš - electronics, sampler

Pavol Béreš (autor) - sampler, electronics

compositional classes of Michal Rataj (Franek, Herman, Kotík), Luboš Mrkvička (Horváth, Gažmerčík) and Michal Nejtek (Béreš)

Matyáš Václavek - sound

Anna Poppová, Jakub Eben, František Solař, Norbert Zadák - production

Event start 18 March 2025 at 20:00
Event end 18 March 2025 at 22:00
Type of event Concert
Event website https://www.hamu.cz/cs/udalosti/augenblick-koncert-katedry-skladby-2210/
Venue FHS CU (Pátkova 2137/5, 182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň)
Target group Academic community and public
Admission fee Free
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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