Dean's Directive No. 14/2022


Submission of documents for the final accounting of accounting transactions and inventory at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University for the year 2022

To implement:


Date of effect:

17 October 2022


Annex 1: Inventory guidelines for 2022 (only in Czech)

Form 1: Appointment of the Central Inventory Committee at FH CU for the year 2022 (only in Czech)

Form 2: Appointment of a Partial Inventory Committee for the inventory of tangible fixed assets, intangible fixed assets, small fixed assets and similar assets in special records at FH CU for the year 2022 (only in Czech)

Form 3: Appointment of a Sub-inventory Committee for the inventory of receivables (trade payables, bank loans, cash, etc.) at FH CU for the year 2022 (only in Czech)

Form 4: Property transfer (only in Czech)

Submission of documents for the final accounting of accounting transactions and inventory at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University for the year 2022

Article 1: Introductory provisions

In view of the approaching year-end and the obligation to account for all accounting transactions relating to 2022,, I am issuing this binding schedule of deadlines for the submission of documents for processing.

Article 2: Schedule of dates

  1. Invoices received:


    Invoices from suppliers, including payments to foreign countries, to be forwarded to the Economic Department (hereinafter referred to as "ED") for execution of a payment order to a monetary institution by 12 December 2022;


    of "proforma" invoices or advance invoices that have not yet been paid, ensure that tax invoices are sent to suppliers by 12 December 2022.

  2. Invoices issued:


    external invoices - to be submitted to the ED by 12 December 2022;


    internal invoices - to be submitted to the ED by 12 December 2022.

  3. Treasury - petty cash expenditure until 12 December 2022.

  4. Scholarships - submit documents for payment of scholarships to the relevant departments by 12 December 2022.

  5. Supporting documents for payroll accounting, i.e. supporting documents for liquidation:


    holiday pay until 19 December 2022;


    sickness insurance benefits within 3 days of the date of incapacity for work;


    reimbursements for the treatment of a family member within 3 days of entitlement;


    the basis for the payment of remuneration and the basic dates for any new recruits until 19 December 2022.

  6. Submit the accounts of the work activity agreements and work performance agreements to the Human Resources Department by 16 December 2022.

  7. Permanent operating advances and extraordinary advances - to be cleared by 9 December 2022. No advances will be paid in December.

  8. Travel orders, including foreign travel, to be cleared at the Travel Office (Room 0.24) by 30 November 2022.

  9. Project budgets - accounting documents relating to projects to be submitted to the ED at the latest:


    GA UK and SVV – 25 November 2022;


    GA ČR – 2 December 2022;


    TA ČR – 2 December 2022;


    AZV – 2 December 2022;


    CŽV, U3V – 2 December 2022;


    EMM – 2 December 2022;


    RUV – 2 December 2022;


    IP – 2 December 2022;


    UNCE – 2 December 2022;


    SSP – 2 December 2022;


    NAKI – 2 December 2022;


    Progres – 2 December 2022;


    Primus – 2 December 2022;


    others – 2 December 2022.

  10. Inventory for 2022 - Annex 1

  11. They are responsible for completing the tasks and meeting the deadlines of this directive:


    Secretary of the Faculty,


    Vice-Dean for Science and Research,


    Vice-Dean for Development,


    Vice-deans of Studies,


    heads of departments.

Article 3: Final provisions

  1. An integral part of this directive is:


    Annex 1: Inventory instructions for 2022;


    Form 1: Appointment of the central inventory committee at FH CU for 2022;


    Form 2: Appointment of a partial inventory committee for the inventory of tangible fixed assets, intangible fixed assets, small fixed assets and similar assets in special records at FH CU for the year 2022;


    Form 3: Appointment of a sub-inventory committee for the inventory of receivables (trade payables, bank loans, cash, etc.) at FH CU for the year 2022;


    Form 4: Transfer of property.

  2. This directive shall enter into force on the date of signature.

  3. This directive shall enter into force on 17 October 2022.

Prague, 17 October 2022

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.


Last change: November 7, 2022 12:29 
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