IT facilities

PC labs

PC labs are situated in the Jinonice building A, 2nd floor.

You will be given username and password for accessing the computers and the INTERNET on the 2nd floor (building A) at the room 2065, upon showing your CU student ID card.

You may also arrange your log-in details for the Jinonice Domain on-line through the CAS (Charles University Authentication Service) website at: (log-in details for the CAS website are the same as for the SIS).

WI-FI connection

Follow this link for instructions for connecting to the EDUROAM WI-FI network:

Login: username (with @ and jinonice domain)

Password: you can set up the password by going to: (login name is or (login name is

Note 1: For security reasons it is necessary to use other password than for logging to the CAS or Jinonice domain.

Note 2: A password for Eduroam cannot be set by users who have their CAS password reset via a WWW form - the password is not safe for this purpose

Self service copy / print / scan

The copy machine / printer is situated on the ground floor behind the reception desk.

At the charge spot /machine situated there you can charge your student ID card and use the credit to pay for copying and printing. After placing your student card on the chip, the copy machine / printer is activated and you may use it for printing, copying and scanning. Don’t forget to place your student card to the chip after you finish your work so no other student could pay for the copy machine from your student card credit.

CU Web Applications

  • WhoIs look-up tool

    WhoIs is a look-up tool enabling users to search within a central registry of individuals connected with Charles University (staff, students, lifelong learning participants, members of University and faculty bodies, etc.), the University’s organization structure, and personnel data (especially professional and career information). The application provides contact data (telephone numbers, email addresses) for individual teachers and other university staff.

  • Erasmus application

    An application for Charles University students (submission and processing of applications for study periods abroad as part of the Erasmus-LLP programme), and for international students (submission of applications for Erasmus study periods at Charles University).

  • Thesis and Dissertation Repository

    An overview of theses and dissertations defended at Charles University, including their full texts and reviews.

The applications are available at this website:

Last change: February 12, 2018 18:14 
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