• News


Before leaving – some tips

Is your semester abroad coming to an end? Here are some tips what to do before you leave:

· Have a group dinner

· Get the “Confirmation of Study Period”

· Take pictures of people

· Make a list of your favourite memories

· Close your bank account

· Buy some souvenirs from the university

· Weigh your luggage

· Prepare for reverse culture shock

23 May 2018

End of Tuition in Summer Term

The Summer Semester is quickly coming to its end.

Buy a university souvenir before your departure to re-live your studies abroad!

Charles University souvenirs can be bought from the Gift shop at the UK point (Celetná 14, Prague 1).

21 May 2018

Rector's Sports Day

4 May 2018

Your feedback

Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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