• News


Aleš Novák at JBSP 50th Anniversary Conference

Associate Professor Aleš Novák, Department of General Anthropology presented his lecture "Heidegger’s Marx: Finding Marx’ Place within the History of Beyng" at the JBSP 50th Anniversary Conference. The conference was organized by the British Society for Phenomenology that promotes research and awareness in the field of Phenomenology. The organization accomplishes its aims through journal, conferences and podcast.

16 June 2019

Study Enrolment

5 June 2019

Competition for a Study Abroad Financial Aid

International Office, FHS CU announces the 3rd round of the competition for students who plan a study or research stay abroad in the calendar year 2019 that is not fully covered by other scholarships, grants or funds.

The application deadline is July 31, 2019 at 12:00. Kindly submit your application to the International Office of FHS, which is to be contacted for further information as well.

4 June 2019

End of Tuition in Summer Term

The Summer Semester is quickly coming to its end.

Buy a university souvenir before your departure to re-live your studies abroad!

Charles University souvenirs can be bought from the Gift shop at the UK point (Celetná 14, Prague 1).

23 May 2019

Before leaving – some tips

Is your semester abroad coming to an end? Here are some tips what to do before you leave:

· Have a group dinner

· Get the “Confirmation of Study Period”

· Take pictures of people

· Make a list of your favourite memories

· Close your bank account

· Buy some souvenirs from the university

· Weigh your luggage

· Prepare for reverse culture shock

22 May 2019

Your feedback

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Faculty of Humanities

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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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