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Entrance Exams - Ph.D. Degree Programme

Date of Entrance Exams for the Academic Year 2014/2015 - Ph.D. Degree Programme (Historical Sociology) in English is June 6, 2014 at 1 pm.

2 June 2014

MEN AND BOOKS – for a risk-free use of the European written cultural heritage

In 2012–2014 Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague participated in the international project MEN AND BOOKS, supported by the European Commission (Reg. No. 2012-0920/001-001, coordinator Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Austria).

The main objective of the project was to find a solution to exterminate mould with a substance and method harmless to men and books. This would be beneficial for all European users of archival material. The Archives of the Protestant Parish of the Holy Trinity in Świdnica (PL) were chosen as the representative material for the research within the project.

Further information here.

30 May 2014

Entrance Exams - Bachelor's Degree Programme

Date of Entrance Exams for the Academic Year 2014/2015 - Bachelor's Degree Programme (Liberal Arts and Humanities) in English is June 4, 2014.

Registration starts at 9:30 am

Exam starts at 10:00 am

29 May 2014

Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations hosted 30 students from 5 universities

Between May 12 and May 23, 2014 Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations, Faculty of Humanities hosted, in the framework of the Erasmus Intensive Programme, 30 students from 5 universities (Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland; HAMK University of Applied Sciences in Hämeenlinna, Finland; Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom; University of Évora, Portugal and Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Kazakhstan). The main topic of the program was Management of human resources in social and health care organizations in the 21st century.

29 May 2014

Six Faculty publications were awarded

Six Faculty publications were awarded in the competition of high-quality monographs at the Charles University:

· Karel Černý, Svět politického islámu: Politické probuzení Blízkého východu

· Hans Reiner Sepp, Bild. Phänomenologie der Epoché I

· Ladislav Benyovszky, Cesty k neskrytosti

· Richard Zika, Jednota transcendence. Studie k chápání transcendence ve Fenomenologii vnímání Maurice Merleau-Pontyho

· Marie Pětová, Myšlení počátku a konce metafysiky. K Heideggerovu titulu počátek (der Anfang)

· Annabelle Dufourcq, Merleau-Ponty: Une ontologie de l'imaginaire

Congratulations to all the award-winning authors!

21 May 2014

World's leading experts on the Old Norse culture to visit Faculty

Last week lectures engaged in the Old Norse literature and religion met at the Faculty. They agreed on the details of the project Supernatural spaces in the Old Norse perspective. It is a multilateral exchange of lecturers within the Erasmus programme, which involving eight European universities.

The project starts next academic year. In the next seven years we can therefore look forward to an every year lecture by leading religionists, literary scholars and archaeologists from Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Germany, Poland, Italy and Estonia, who will speak on aspects of the numinous Old Norse thinking.

21 May 2014

Counselling Centre for International Students

Do you have any study, family, personal or other problems? Feel free to visit free psychological counselling for international students. 

Contact: Mgr. Milan Polák (counsel@ruk.cuni.cz)

Office hours: Monday 12.00 – 2.00 pm (Školská 13a, Prague)

Further information at: http://www.cuni.cz/UK-317.html

14 May 2014

End of tuition in Summer Term

The Summer Semester is quickly coming to its end.

Buy a university souvenir before your departure to re-live your studies abroad!

Charles University souvenirs can be bought from the Gift shop at the UK point (Celetná 14, Prague 1).

13 May 2014

Before leaving – some tips

Is your semester abroad coming to an end? Here are some tips what to do before you leave:

· Have a group dinner

· Get the “Confirmation of Study Period”

· Take pictures of people

· Make a list of your favourite memories

· Close your bank account

· Buy some souvenirs from the university

· Weigh your luggage

· Prepare for reverse culture shock

12 May 2014

Financial support of students’ leisure activities at Charles University in Prague

The rector of the Charles University in Prague financially supports leisure activities of CU students. Single events, as well as regular events are supported.

The deadlines are as follows:

Single events: January 2, May 2, September 15 and November 15

Regular events: January 2, May 2 and August 31

The request for financial support is to be submitted in written form to Rector and in electronic form to zajmova-cinnost@ruk.cuni.cz.

For further information, including links to current university legislation, please visit the website of the Academic Senate: http://www.cuni.cz/UK-5695.html

11 May 2014

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Faculty of Humanities

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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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