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International workshop "Philosophische Anthropologie morgen“

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague and Central-European Institute of Philosophy and Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and programme Erasmus Master Mundus EuroPhilosophie invite you to the international workshop "Philosophische Anthropologie morgen".

The working language is German and English.

WHERE: Villa Lanna, V Sadech 1, Prague 6

WHEN: April 30 - May 2, 2014

24 April 2014

Faculty of Humanities will present its book production at Book World Prague 2014

On May 15-18, 2014 the 20th international book fair and literary festival “Book World Prague 2014” is held at the Prague Exhibition Grounds in Holešovice.

FHS`s book production will be presented and you will find it in the right part of the Industrial Palace at the P 202 stand.

With any questions you can contact the FHS editor Marie Kratochvílová at Marie.Kratochvilova@fhs.cuni.cz (Publications Office).

23 April 2014

Share FHS`s articles on social networks

Are you interested in an article or an invitation to a lecture at the FHS website? Do you think that this information would be useful to your colleagues and friends?

Now you can share the contents of the official Faculty of Humanities website through several social networks. With Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can share both the individual articles and news, and events in the calendar of our Faculty.

Join us and always get the latest news from FHS! And do not forget to share them with your friends!

21 April 2014

UPCES students visited Budapest, Hungary

On April 10 - 13, 2014 UPCES students visited Budapest, Hungary.

See the pictures on Facebook.

Would you like to join the next trip to Dresden? Are you taking at least one UPCES class (the one starting with YBAU code)? Than see the calendar.

17 April 2014

Faculty of Humanities wishes everyone a happy and peaceful Easter

Faculty of Humanities wishes all its students, teachers, staff and supporters a happy and peaceful Easter!

We also remind you that there are no classes on Friday 18 (Good Friday, dean’s day) and Monday 21 (Easter Monday, national holiday).

17 April 2014

New issue of Historical Sociology - 2/2013

New issue of Historical Sociology (2/2013) is now available!

Further information here and here.

16 April 2014

Thinking About Ordinary Things: A Short Invitation to Philosophy

New e-book published: Thinking About Ordinary Things: A Short Invitation to Philosophy. 2013. Jan Sokol (Faculty of Humanities). Karolinum Press. Further information here.


E-books published by Karolinum Press are available through e-brary. Members of the CU academic community can access e-books at the Charles University E-resources Portal. Further information about e-brary and Karolinum Press here.

12 April 2014

Dean’s day (Good Friday)

As there is a Dean's day on April 18, 2014 (Good Friday) all classes are canceled.

9 April 2014

The role of civil society and political society in democratization

Lecture entitled „The role of civil society and political society in democratization“ will be given by Dr Katarzyna Grzybowska-Walecka (Institute of Political Science, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) on April 9, 2014.

7 April 2014

New study by Lucie Storchová

"Die Ägypter wussten Ihre Köpfe zu gebrauchen!" Orientalische Alterität in den fiktiven Reisebeschreibungen von Václav Matěj Kramerius (1802-1808). 2014. Lucie Storchová (Faculty of Humanities). In: Robert Born, Sarah Lemmen (Hg.), Orientalismen in Ostmitteleuropa. Diskurse, Akteure und Disziplinen vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, p. 147-186. Further information here and here.

3 April 2014

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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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