Ezzeddine Petra Ph.D., is a social anthropologist and an assistant professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on gender in migration, transnational care practices, globalization of senior care, ageing in migration and appplied anthropology.
See SIS.
2011: Ph.D. in Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague
2003-2004: Research Coordinator, International Organization for Migration, Prague (IOM Prague)
from 2002: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Gender Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague (tenure position)
from 2014 to 2018 CIEE Study Abroad Prague: lecturer in programme for visiting US students (course Migration and Mobility in CEE-in English)
from 2012: Expert on Equal Opportunisties, Association for Integration and Migration Prague
1999-2002: Assistant Professor, Institute of Jewish Studies, Comenius University, Bratislava
1999: MA in Ethnology and Aesthetics, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava
2010: Erste Fellowship for Social Scientists-Generations in Dialogue: project Ageing, Care and Migration, Erste Foundation, Vienna
2007: Sasakawa Scholarship for Young Leaders (research on Ukrainian transnational mothers in the Czech Republic)
2000–2001: Visiting Research Student, Rothberg International School, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel, tutor prof. Harvey Goldberg, Department of Anthropology and Sociology
ACES Fellowship University of Amsterdam (Visiting Fellow): January–February 2023
2023-2027: VW Stiftung, CareOrg: Transnational organization of care, labour and mobility in CEE
2022-2024: PERHOUSE (Private Home Services in CEE, European Commision)
2022-2027: Ethical advisor for CZ/SVK for ERC project ReloCare (Dr.Kristine Kruase,Unvierstiy of Amsterdam)
2020-2022: co-leader of one year starting grant ACES (University of Amsterdam-together with Dr.Kristine Krause):Transnational care landscapes in Central Europe: Privatization, marketization and overlapping mobilities in elderly care.
2014-2016: Norway Grants: Women on the Sidelines (research on ageing in migration: female refugess from ex-Yougloslavia 50+) ,FHS UK /SIMI Prague/University of Bergen (Norway)
2012-2014: European Social Founds: Equal Opportunities in Front of Czech Households (research on female migrant domestic workers ), SIMI Prague,www.pracovnicevdomacnosti.cz
2020–present: co-leader of one year starting grant ACES (University of Amsterdam-together with Dr.Kristine Krause):Transnational care landscapes in Central Europe: Privatization, marketization and overlapping mobilities in elderly care
2014–present: Norway Grants: Women on the Sidelines (research on ageing in migration: female refugess from ex-Yougloslavia 50+) ,FHS UK /SIMI Prague/University of Bergen (Norway)
2012: European Social Founds: Equal Opportunities in Front of Czech Households (research on female migrant domestic workers ), SIMI Prague,www.pracovnicevdomacnosti.cz
Borders, Mobility of Care and Translocal Social Reproduction, international symposium, SOUAV ČR/FHS UK Prague December 1st, 2021 (research programme AV 21)
Geopolitics and Transnational Migration, SOU AVČR/FHS, Prague, October 25, 2019 (research programme AV 21)
International Migration-New Challenges for Central and Eastern Europe, SOU AV ČR/FHS UK, Prague, December 12, 2016 ( research programme AV 21)
„Anthropology in Action“ : Conference on Applied Anthropology in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. CASA/FHS UK, September 18-19,2015
2nd FHS/ CASA International Conference in Prague, September 13-14, 2014
The Economization of Life and Social Inequalities , 1st Graduate CASA – SASA Conference,Telč September 9, 2011
FHS UK and Fridrich Ebert Stiftung Conference on Transnational Care Practices and Globalization of Life Cycle , Prague, October 15, 2010
IOM Summer School on Migration and Development, IOM Prague /IMISCOE (Praha, from 2010 to 2022)
Summer School on European Politics: „Interests versus Culture“ in Prague (FSV Prague), July 2012, July 2013,July 2014,July 2015, July 2016
Summer School on Woman and Leadership, Prague 2011 (University of Indiana and FSV UK), August 2011
Summer School on Migration Studies, Bratislava (FSEV UK Bratislava), July 2011
member of the Art Committee of Academy of Arts (AVU)
member of the Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK), from 2019 (panel Sociology-Political Science)
member and co-leader of the international research network EUROCare, from 2020
member of the evaluation team at the Charles University Research Foundation (GAUK), from 2019
member of the research network State and Care (University of Vienna),from 2019
member of the editorial board Gender/rovné příležitosti/výzkum, from 2016
member of Domestic Work Research Network(DW-RN), from 2012
member of the board of Czech Association for Social Anthropology CASA, from 2014 to 2017
member of editorial board: Journal for Social Science Human Affairs (published by Springer)-2012-2015
member of editorial board: Journal for Social and Cultural anthropology Cargo published by Czech Association for Social Anthropology)-2012-2014
Ezzeddine, P. 2023. Care Bonds in Pandemic Times, In Aulenbacher,Lutz, Pallenga-Mollenback, Schwitter: Home Care for Sale, London: Sage. (in a print)
Ezzeddine, P. and Krause K. 2022. Profitable Bodies in Central and Eastern Europe, Global Dialogue, 2 (3), https://globaldialogue.isa-sociology.org/articles/profitable-bodies-and-care-mobilities-in-central-and-eastern-europe
Ezzeddine P., Havelková H. 2021.The Gender of Gift: diversity and ambivalence of transnational care trajectories within postsocialist migration experience, In Pine F., Haukanes H. Intimacy and mobility in an era of hardering borders (Gender, reproduction, regulation), Manchester: Manchester University Press (Published date April 2021), https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526150219/
Aulenbacher B., Ezzeddine P., Gábriel D., Leiblfinger M., Milankovics K., Prieler V.,2020: Facing COVID-19: Live-in Care in Central Europe, in Brigitte Aulenbacher, Klaus Dörre, Johanna Grubner, Christine Schickert, in Global Dialogue - Magazine of the International Sociological Association,10 (3): 23-24. https://globaldialogue.isa-sociology.org/articles/facing-covid-19-live-in-care-in-central-europe
Uhde Z., Ezzeddine P. 2020. The political economy of social reproduction: cross-border care mobility in the Czech Republic, In Melegh A., Katona N.(Eds.): Towards a scarcity of care? Tensions and contradictionsin transnational elderly care systems in central and eastern Europe, pp.26-44, FES: Budapest, http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/budapest/16945.pdf
Ezzeddine P. 2019. „Sentimentální peníze aneb Jaká je cena transnacionálního mateřství.“ Gender a výzkum/Gender and Research, 20 (1): 68–90, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060 /25706578.2019.20.1.463
Havelková H., Ezzeddine P. 2016. Women in Between: Gender, Refugee Experience and Ageing, Lidé města /Urban People 8 (2): 179-201, https://lidemesta.cuni.cz/LM-755-version1-ezzeddine.pdf
Ezzeddine,P.2014. „Who cares? Ageing, Care and Migration”, Urban People 16 (2): 219–237. https://lidemesta.cuni.cz/LM-822-version1-ezzeddine.pdf
Ezzeddine, P. 2012. "Mateřství na dálku. Transnacionální mateřství ukrajinských migrantek v České republice." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 13(1):24-32. https://www.genderonline.cz/pdfs/gav/2012/01/03.pdf
Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic