Mgr. Adéla Ebersonová, Ph.D

Research Areas

Medieval studies

Medieval Latin

Medieval manuscripts

Medieval literature


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2013–2020: Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies (Ph.D.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

2011–2013: Latin Medieval Studies and Latin Classical Studies (Mgr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

2007–2011: Latin and Greek Studies (Bc.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

Work Experience

since 2014: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague

2013–2024: Centre for Medieval Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences



  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Roudnická statuta. Zvyklosti augustiniánské kanonie v Roudnici nad Labem (komentovaná edice a překlad) [The Statutes of Roudnice. The Customs of the House of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem (an Annotated Edition and Translation)]. Dolní Břežany: Scriptorium, 2021. 184 pp.

  • Michal DRAGOUN – Adéla EBERSONOVÁ – Lucie DOLEŽALOVÁ, Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanonií v Třeboni a Borovanech. I. Rukopisy a inkunábule; II. Rukopisy Kříže z Telče; III. Rejstříky [Medieval Libraries of Augustinian Houses in Třeboň and Borovany. I. Manuscripts and Incunables; II. Manuscripts of Crux de Telcz; III. Indices]. Dolní Břežany: Scriptorium, 2021. 1666 pp.

  • Jan CIGLBAUER, in collaboration with Martin BAŽIL, Adéla EBERSONOVÁ and Henry HOWARD,

    Carmina clericorum: latinské duchovní písně 14. až 15. století ve středoevropském univerzitním a školském prostředí = sacred Latin songs from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Central European university and school milieu (= Monumenta Liturgica Bohemica). Chomutov: L. Marek, 2020. 288 pp.

Edition of Collective Monographs

  • Michal DRAGOUN – Lucie DOLEŽALOVÁ – Adéla EBERSONOVÁ (edd.), Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Středověká knihovna augustiniánských kanovníků v Roudnici nad Labem [Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Medieval Library of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2015. 676 pp.

Scholarly Studies

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Rukopisná knihovna řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Rokycanech [Manuscript Library of the House of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Rokycany], in: Studie o rukopisech [Manuscripts Studies] 53/1–2 (2023), pp. 86–309.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Středověká rukopisná knihovna řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Praze na Karlově [The Medieval Manuscript Library of the House of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Prague-Karlov], in: Studie o rukopisech [Manuscripts Studies] 51/1 (2021), pp. 31–105.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Religious Practices of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in the Czech Lands. The Statutes of Roudnice, in: Religious Practices and Everyday Life in the Long Fifteenth Century (1350–1570). Interpreting Changes and Changes of Interpretation, edd.  Ian Richard JOHNSON – Ana Maria SEABRA DE ALMEIDA RODRIGUES (= New Communities of Interpretation 2). Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, pp. 23–48.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Křížova bible [Crux’s Bible], in: Kříž z Telče (1434–1504). Písař, sběratel, autor [Crux of Telč (1434–1504): Scribe, Collector and Author], edd. Lucie DOLEŽALOVÁ – Michal DRAGOUN. Prague: Scriptorium, 2020, pp. 247–264.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Řeholní zvyklosti. Statuta kanonie řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Roudnici nad Labem [Regular Customs. Statutes of the House of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Roudnice nad Labem], in: Čítanka latinských textů z pozdně středověkých Čech [Reader of Latin Texts from Late Medieval Bohemia], edd. Lucie DOLEŽALOVÁ – Michal DRAGOUN – Jan CTIBOR. Prague: Scriptorium, 2017, pp. 24–35.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Signatura 1 E c [Shelf Mark 1 E c], in: Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatury 1 D, 1 E a 1 G [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library. Shelf Marks 1 D, 1 E and 1 G]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2016, pp. 245–287.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Knihovny kanonií v Roudnici a v Sadské: dochované rukopisy a jejich obsah [The Libraries of the Houses of the Canons Regular in Roudnice and Sadská: Preserved Manuscripts and their Content], in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit …, pp. 61–88.

  • Adéla EBERSONOVÁ – Alice KLIMA, Roudnická statuta [The Statutes of Roudnice], in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit …, pp. 187–205.

  • Michal DRAGOUN, in collaboration with Adéla EBERSONOVÁ, Soupis roudnických a sadských rukopisů [The List of the Manuscripts from Roudnice and Sadská], in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit …, pp. 331–565.


  • since 1/2024: team member of Czech Science Foundation grant “Done. Pour the wine.” Language Experiments in Medieval Scribal Additions and Colophons (main applicant prof. Lucie Doležalová)

  • 1/2023–12/2025: main applicant of Czech Science Foundation grant Medieval Libraries of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Bohemia in the Context of Central Europe

  • 10/2023–1/2024: team member of EEA grant Supporting threatened plurality. Languages and medieval literature (main applicant Mgr. Marie Novotná, Ph.D.)

  • 6/2022–6/2024: team member of Czech Science Foundation EXPRO grant From Performativity to Institutionalization: Handling Conflict in the Late Middle Ages (Strategies, Agents, Communication) (main applicant Mgr. Pavel Soukup, Ph.D.)

  • 5/2020–12/2023: external team member of Czech Science Foundation EXPRO grant Old Myths, New Facts: Czech Lands in Center of 15-century Music Developments (main applicant doc. Hana Vlhová-Wörner)

  • 1/2018–12/2023: team member of University Centre for the Study of Classical and Medieval Thought (main applicant prof. Lenka Karfíková)

  • 1/2017–12/2019: team member of Czech Science Foundation grant Creative Copies: The Miscellanies of Ulrich Crux de Telcz (d. 1504) (main applicant doc. Lucie Doležalová)

  • 4/2016–12/2017: external team member of Czech Science Foundation grant Changing Identities in the Musical Culture of the Late Medieval Central Europe (main applicant PhDr. Lenka Hlávková, Ph.D.)

  • 1/2015–12/2017: main applicant of internal grant of Faculty of Arts, Charles University Commented Edition of the Statutes of the House of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Roudnice nad Labem

  • 11/2013–3/2016: team member of the ERC Starting Independent Research Grant Origins of Vernacular Mode (main applicant Mgr. Pavlína Rychterová, Ph.D.)

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