After the final approval of your application it is necessary to proceed with all of the necessary administrative steps sufficiently in advance of the prospective mobility as the whole administrative process takes some time.
Once nominated in the selection procedure, complete the FHS Travel Abroad Request Form (‘Návrh na vyslání‘) based on your approved Mobility Programme and have it signed by the head of your department.
Please indicate in the form:
Erasmus financial source and the number 710 111;
Purpose of the trip: Erasmus Staff Teaching Assignments / Staff Training;
The amount of the expected expenditure according to the maximum Erasmus+ tariffs.
In case of any changes in the approved Mobility Programme, it is necessary to inform the FHS International Office and at the same time to complete and have a new Mobility Programme (Staff Mobility Agreement) approved.
When calculating the budget, it is necessary to consider the maximum subsistence and travel flat rates.
Submit the Travel Abroad Request Form signed by you and the head of your department to the FHS International Office, and also the new approved Mobility Programme, in case it has been modified, no later than 20 working days before travelling.
Grant Agreement (‘Účastnická smlouva‘)
On the basis of the approved Mobility Agreement and your Travel Abroad Request Form, the central CU Erasmus Office will issue a Grant Agreement to be signed by you before departure. You will be contacted via e-mail.
Confirmation of Erasmus Mobility
Have a hard copy of the document with you.
You will need to have it approved at the end of your stay by the person responsible at your host institution and bring the hard copy back from abroad.
1. Confirmation of Erasmus Mobility : Upon return, submit the hard copy of the approved document to the FHS International Office no later than 5 days after returning.
2. FHS Travel Abroad Expenses Statement Form & FHS Final Report on a Travel Abroad:
List your eligible expenses in the form and attach any receipts so that they can be reimbursed.
Sign the forms and submit hard copies of all of the documents to the officer in charge of travel abroad administration at the FHS. Room no.: 0.24; within 10 days after your return. In your final report, please indicate the specific activities you carried out during the teaching or training mobility.
3. EU Survey Mobility Tool: This online survey is to be completed once you have received an e-mail with access details.
Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic