Ĺubica Kobová, Ph.D.

Department of Philosophy

  • Office: 2.40

  • e-mail: lubica.kobova@fhs.cuni.cz

  • tel.: 224 271 451



A List of Current Courses


Research Interests

feminist political philosophy, poststructuralist political philosophy, gender and work, work ethics, sexual and reproductive rights, critical discourse analysis

Thesis Supervision

See Charles University Digital Repository (defended theses) or Student Information System (currently supervised).


Ph.D., “The Political as Agonism: A Feminist Interpretation”, Supervisor: doc. Zuzana Kiczková, 2012

Systematic Philosophy; Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

M.A., “Sexual Difference, Gender and Sexuality in Social Practice: the Possibilities and Limits of Materialist Feminism”, Supervisor: Prof. Erzsébet Barát, 2004

Gender Studies, Distinction; Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

M.A. “Attempts on Her Life: Conceptualizations of Subject in Feminist Philosophy”, Supervisor: doc. Zuzana Kiczková, 2003

Philosophy and Aesthetics; Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia


Kobová, Ľ. (2020). Susan Moller Okin a feministické čtení kánonu politické teorie [Susan Moller Okin and feminist reading of the political-theoretical canon]. In T. Halamka & A. Virdzek (Eds.), Jak číst politické myslitele? (pp. 279–305). Karolinum. [In Czech. Available online at ezdroje.cuni.cz.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2020). Neznesiteľný život postfeministického tela [The unbearable life of postfeminist body]. In M. Martinová, M. Metelec, & L. Rychetský (Eds.), Post (pp. 37–46). A2. [In Slovak. PDF]

Kobová, Ľ. (2020). Za ľudový feminizmus [For a Popular Feminism]. Kontradikce: časopis pro kritické myšlení 4(1), 63–74. [In Slovak. Available online in the Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2020). Rodový poriadok spoločnosti ako filozofický problém: za Hanou Havelkovou [The gender order as a philosophical problem: remembering Hana Havelková]. Filosofický časopis 68(6), 947–954. [In Slovak. Available online in the Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2019). K pozorovaniu príkladnej praxe [Observing an exemplary practice]. In V. Sokolová & Ľ. Kobová (Eds.), Odvaha nesouhlasit : feministické myšlení Hany Havelkové a jeho reflexe (pp. 388–393). Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií. [In Slovak. PDF]

Kobová, Ľ. (2019). Co je antigender a proč se mu dnes daří? [What is antigender and why is it doing well today?] In M. Kos Mottlová (Ed.), Nebezpečná genderová ideologie v České republice? Monitorovací zpráva Social Watch o genderové rovnosti 2019 (pp. 18–24). Social Watch Česká republika. [In Czech. Available online.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2018). Analogická argumentácia Mary Wollstonecraft v „Obhajobe práv ženy“ [Analogical argumentation used by Mary Wollstonecraft in "Vindication of the Rights of Woman"]. World Literature Studies 10(2), 91–104. [In Slovak. Available online.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2016). Are we all neoliberal feminists now? In E. Kováts (Ed.), Solidarity in struggle : feminist perspectives on neoliberalism in East-Central Europe (pp. 54–59). Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. [Available online.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2015). On the notion of the political in feminist theory. In Human Affairs (Vol. 25, pp. 164–172). [PDF]

Kobová, Ľ. (2014). Medzi nepoddajnosťou poriadku a jeho každodenným prekračovaním: doslov [Afterword to the Slovak translation of Judith Butler’s “Gender Trouble”]. In J. Butler, Trampoty s rodom: feminizmus a podrývanie identity (pp. 236–263). ASPEKT. [In Slovak. PDF]

Kobová, Ľ. (2013). Nová sociálna a politická ontológia tela (Doslov) [Afterword to the Czech translation of Judith Butler’s “Frames of War”] In J. Butler, Rámce války: za které životy netruchlíme? (pp. 157–164). Univerzita Karlova v Praze: Nakladatelství Karolinum. [Available online at ezdroje.cuni.cz.]

Kobová, Ľ. (2013). Feministická politická filozofia [Feminist political philosophy]. In F. Novosád & D. Smreková (Eds.), Dejiny sociálneho a politického myslenia (pp. 675–689). Kalligram. [In Slovak. PDF]

Kobová, Ľ. (2012). The contexts of national and gender belonging in the history of female suffrage in Slovakia. In B. R. Ruiz & R. R. Marín (Eds.), The struggle female suffrage in Europe: voting to become citizens (pp. 225–239). Brill. [PDF]

Kobová, Ľ. (2012). Politická diferencia a feministická teória [Political difference and feminist theory]. Gender, rovné příležitosti a výzkum 13(2), 18–27. [In Slovak. Available online.]

Editor and co-editor

Kobová, Ľ. (Ed.) (2020). Editorial: Toward Left Feminist Theory and Historiography. Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought 4(2), 5–13. [Available in the Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences.]

Sokolová, V., & Kobová, Ľ. (Eds.). (2019). Odvaha nesouhlasit: feministické myšlení Hany Havelkové a jeho reflexe [The Courage to Disagree: The Feminist Thought of Hana Havelkova and Its Reflections]. Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií. [In Czech.]

Kobová, Ľ. (Ed.). (2015). Feministky hovoria o práci: ako sa ženy stávajú subjektmi kapitalizmu [Feminists Speak about Work. How Women Become Subjects of Capitalism]. ASPEKT. [In Slovak.]

Bíba, J., & Kobová, Ľ. (Eds.) (2015). Radical democracy and representation. In Human Affairs 25(2). [Available online.]

Grants and scholarships

Women behind the Counter: Transformations of Work and Working Conditions of Domestic and Foreign Retail Workers (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University and Multicultural Center Prague. Funded by the EEA Grants, 2015–2016)

Jan Hus Foundation Scholarship, 2010–2011

Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2008–2009, Supervisor: Prof. Mary Hawkesworth

Other activities

Member of the editorial board, Kontradikce. Časopis pro kritické myšlení/Contradictions. A Journal for Critical Thought, 2017–

Member of the editorial board, Human Affairs, 2011–

Member, Genderová expertní komora ČR [Gender Expert Chamber of the Czech Republic], 2016–

Member, Slovenské filozofické združenie [Slovak Philosophical Association], 2010–

Last change: July 12, 2024 10:31 
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