Department of European Cultural and Intellectual History
Interdisciplinary Problems of Cultural and Social History
History of Science
Urban History
See SIS.
See SIS.
2000: University Professor of Modern History (full professor)
1995: "Habilitation" for Modern History (postdoctoral qualification: university lecturer)
1987: CSc. Thesis: "Burghers culture in Bohemia 1547-1620" (Institute of Czech and World History, Czech Academy of Science) (doctoral qualification)
1978: PhDr., Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague
1973–1978: Degree in History, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague
1994–present: Department of German and Austrian Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
1995–2012: Head of the Department of German and Austrian Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
1997–2003: Director of the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
1990–1995: Assistant lecturer at Charles University
1978–1993: Archives of the city of Prague
2002–2003: Visiting professor at the Chair of Eastern European History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Göttingen (Germany)
1992–1993: Visiting Professor at the Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf (Germany)
1991: Research scholarship from the Institut for European Studies, Mainz (Germany)
2003–present: Member of the editorial board of Bohemia
2000–present: Corresponding member of the Historical Committee for the Czech lands, Heidelberg
1999–present: Member of the board of the Czech Historical Association
1997–present: Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague
1997–present: Member of the Collegium Carolinum, Munich
1993–present: Member of the Joint Czech-German Historians‘ Committee
1992–2004: Member of the editorial board of Dějiny a současnost
1990–present: Member of the editorial board of Pražský sborník historicky
1990–1992: Member of the Scientific Archival Council at the Czech Ministry of the interior
Jiří Pešek - Ludmila Hlaváčková - Alena Míšková - Petr Svobodný - Jan Janko, The German Univerisity 1882-1939, in: František Kavka - Josef Petráň (edd.), A History of Charles University, Prague 2001, Vol. II. s. 163-174, 245-256 (ISBN 80-246-0022-6)
Die Prager Universitäten im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts: Versuch eines Vergleichs, in: Hans Lemberg (ed.), Universitäten in nationaler Konkurrenz. Zur Geschichte der Prager Universitäten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum Bd. 86), München 2003, s. 145-166. (ISBN 3-486-56392-0)
Kriegsende auf dem Gebiet der Tschechoslowakei, in: Bernd A. Rusinek (ed.), Kriegsende 1945. Verbrechen, Katastrophen, Befreiungen in nationaler und internationaler Perspektive, Wallstein V. Göttingen 2004, s. 173-184. (ISBN 3-89244-793-4)
Die Chemie an der Deutschen Universität Prag in den Jahren 1938-1945, in: Antonín Kostlán (ed.), Wissenschaft in den böhmischen Ländern 1939-1945, Praha 2004, s. 136-142 (+David Šaman) ISBN 80-86791-20-3
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