Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries

Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Under sections 27 (1) (b) and 33 (2) (f) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University has adopted the following Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University as its internal regulation:

Article 1: Introductory Provision

Under the relevant provisions of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of Charles University (“the Scholarship and Bursary Rules”), these Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (“the Faculty”) provide the conditions, rules, details, and other requirements for granting scholarships and bursaries at the Faculty.

Article 2: Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement

(Under Article 4 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

  1. Under the Scholarship and Bursary Rules, a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is awarded retroactively to students who achieved excellent academic results in the previous unit of study.

  2. The award criterion for a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is the weighted average grade calculated from examinations and other graded study requirements passed over one unit of study rounded to two decimal places.

  3. If a student fails to achieve the minimum of five such grades within such period, the scholarship cannot be awarded.

  4. The weighted average grade of an individual student is calculated as the total of all products of the grade achieved for the given graded requirement and the number of credits belonging to this requirement, divided by the total of all credits belonging to these requirements. Failed attempts, if they were successfully resat, and recognized study requirements are not considered in the calculation.

  5. A scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is awarded to at least 10% of students enrolled in the bachelor’s programmes of study and post-bachelor master’s programmes of study by 30 November (i.e., the decisive number of students) for whom no obstacle to granting a scholarship under Article 13 (6) of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules has arisen and who have not enrolled in the first year of study. The number of students representing the 10% is rounded up to the nearest integer.

  6. For the purposes of awarding a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement, the students are divided into groups according to their programme of study. The scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is awarded in each programme of study to 10% of students who have the best academic results. The scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is also awarded in each group to every other student who achieved the same average grade as the student with the highest average grade who was awarded the scholarship under the first sentence.

  7. The decisive date for the awarding of a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is 30 November. The determination of students who will be awarded a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is performed no later than by 15 December, and the respective students are awarded the scholarship no later than on 10 January.

  8. The range of the total amount of scholarship for outstanding academic achievement that can be paid to a student in a given academic year is governed by regulations with a higher legal force. The specific amount of a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is determined by the Dean in a Dean’s directive, following an opinion given by the Academic Senate of the Faculty.

  9. The scholarship for outstanding academic achievement is paid as a lump sum.

Article 3: Scholarship for outstanding RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation), Artistic or other Creative Achievements Contributing to Enhanced Knowledge

(Under Article 5 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

  1. The scholarship is awarded for achieving outstanding RDI, artistic or other creative results contributing to enhanced knowledge in accordance with the conditions set by the Scholarship and Bursary Rules.

  2. Awarding of the scholarship is proposed to the Dean by the guarantors of programmes of study via the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities. The Dean may also award this scholarship on his own initiative.

  3. The proposal for awarding the scholarship must contain the proposed amount of scholarship and a justification for the proposal with a special focus on the specification of the character and importance of the acknowledged RDI, artistic, or other creative activity or publication output.

  4. The scholarship for outstanding RDI, artistic, or other creative achievements contributing to enhanced knowledge is paid as a lump sum.

Article 4: Scholarship for Research, Development and Innovation Activities in Accordance with Special Legislation

(Under Article 6 (1) of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

  1. The scholarship is awarded in accordance with the conditions of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules to students who are investigators, co-investigators, or active members of the research team for a project implemented at the Faculty in accordance with special legislation.

  2. The awarding of the scholarship is proposed to the Dean by the investigators of grant projects of the Faculty via the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities. The Dean may also award this scholarship on his own initiative.

  3. The proposal for awarding the scholarship must contain the proposed amount of scholarship and a justification for the proposal with a special focus on the specification of the character and importance of the acknowledged research, development, and innovation activities in the context of the grant programme in which the scholarship is proposed.

  4. The scholarship for research, development, and innovation activities in accordance with special legislation is paid as a lump sum.

Article 5: Bursaries in Cases Worthy of Special Consideration

(Under Article 9 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

  1. Bursaries in cases worthy of special consideration are awarded under the Scholarship and Bursary Rules to students who perform activities mentioned in Article 9 (1) of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules. The Dean may award the bursary upon nomination by guarantors of programmes of study or on his own initiative.

  2. Bursaries in cases worthy of special consideration may be paid as a lump sum or on a monthly basis.

Article 6: Bursary to Support Study Abroad

(Under Article 10 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

  1. A bursary to support study abroad is awarded under the Scholarship and Bursary Rules to students who satisfy the conditions of the competitive selection procedure for stays abroad.

  2. A bursary to support study abroad is paid as a lump sum.

Article 7: Doctoral Bursary

(Under Article 12 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

  1. The Dean determines the specific amount of a doctoral bursary for individual years of study by taking into account the proposed amount of bursary by the relevant Subject Area Board, the amount of subsidy allocated for doctoral bursaries, and the number of students in the doctoral programme of study.

  2. A doctoral bursary is paid on a monthly basis.

Article 8: Scholarships and Bursaries from Other Sources

(Under Article 13 (8) (b) of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules)

Obstacles to granting a scholarship under Article 13 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules apply to scholarships and bursaries from other sources under Article 15 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules.

Article 9: Common Provisions

  1. Scholarships or bursaries are paid only via a non-cash transfer to an account in a payment service provider in the Czech Republic. In exceptional circumstances, the Dean may allow a different form of payment.

  2. The rules for submitting applications for scholarships or bursaries and the requirements therefor, and rules on the payment of scholarships or bursaries or other related matters are set out in a Dean’s directive under the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.

Article 10: Transitional Provisions

The proceedings started before the date of effect of these Rules will be completed under the Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University approved by the Academic Senate of Charles University on 23 June 2017.

Article 11: Final Provisions

  1. The Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague approved by the Academic Senate of Charles University on 23 June 2017 are hereby repealed.

  2. This regulation was approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University on 24 September 2020.

  3. This regulation comes into force on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University.1

  4. This regulation becomes effective on the day following the date of its coming into force.

Ing. Arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Mgr. Jakub Marek, Ph.D.

President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Prof. Ing. František Zahálka, Ph.D.

President of the Academic Senate of Charles University



Under section 9 (1) (b) point 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Sb. to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of Charles University approved this internal regulation of the Faculty on 23 October 2020.

Last change: September 16, 2021 11:34 
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