
Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Under sections 27 (1) (b) and 33 (2) (a) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University has adopted the following Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University as its internal regulation:


Article 1: Fundamental Provisions

  1. The Faculty of Humanities (“the Faculty”) forms a basic unit of Charles University (“the University”).

  2. In legal relations in which the Faculty acts on behalf of the University, the Faculty uses the name “Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií” in Czech, “Universitas Carolina, Facultas studiorum humanarum” in Latin, “Charles University, Faculty of Humanities” in English, “Karls-Universität, Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften” in German, or “Université Charles, Faculté des sciences humaines” in French. In other relations it is possible to use the name “Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy” in Czech, “Facultas studiorum humanarum Universitatis Carolinae” in Latin, “The Faculty of Humanities of Charles University” in English, “Die Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften der Karls-Universität” in German, and “La Faculté des sciences humaines de l'université Charles” in French.

  3. The registered office of the Faculty is in Prague 8, 182 00, Pátkova 2137/5.

  4. The Faculty was established by a resolution of the Academic Senate of the University on 28 June 2000.

Article 2: The Relation of the Faculty to the University

  1. The relations of the Faculty to the University are governed by the Higher Education Act, the internal regulations of the University, and the internal regulations of the Faculty.

  2. Within the scope stipulated by the Higher Education Act, the bodies of the Faculty act and decide on behalf of the University in the following matters relating to the Faculty:


    The constitution of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty;


    The internal organisation of the Faculty;


    The procedure for granting associate professorship and full professorship;


    The disposition of funds allocated to the Faculty;


    Employment relations.

  3. Within the scope stipulated by and under the conditions set by the Constitution of Charles University (“the University Constitution”) and under other internal regulations of the University, the Faculty bodies act and decide on behalf of the University in the following matters relating to the Faculty:


    The creation and offering of programmes of study;


    The strategic focus of creative activities which are scientific, research, development and innovation, artistic, and other creative activities;


    International relations and activities;


    Supplementary activities and disposition of funds gained from these activities.

  4. The acting or decision-making of the Faculty bodies on behalf of the University when disposing of the property of the University is governed by the University Constitution and other internal regulations of the University.1

Article 3: The Aim and Activities of the Faculty

  1. The Faculty carries out its educational activities and related scientific, research, development, innovative, artistic, or other creative activities (“creative activities”) independently and freely, and creates the conditions for these activities to take place. It cooperates with national and foreign higher education institutions, scholarly and research institutions, and other juridical persons, and creates the conditions for members of the academic community to participate in such cooperation.

  2. In accordance with the strategic plan for educational and creative activities of the University and the strategic plan for educational and creative activities of the Faculty (“Strategic Plan of the Faculty”), the Faculty develops educational and creative activities in humanities and social sciences (in particular in anthropology, philosophy, history and sociology) and in related subject areas of science focusing on their interdisciplinary character.

  3. In accordance with section 23 et seq. and section 44 of the Higher Education Act, the Faculty offers higher education which leads to granting:


    The academic degree of “bachelor” (abbreviated to “Bc.”),


    The academic degree of “master” (abbreviated to “Mgr.”),


    The academic degree of “doctor” (abbreviated to “Ph.D.”).

  4. The Faculty offers lifelong learning programmes in humanities and social sciences. The details are provided in the Rules for Lifelong Learning of the University and a Dean’s directive.

  5. Under section 72 et seq. of the Higher Education Act, the Faculty carries out the procedure for the granting of associate professorship and full professorship in the accredited fields of study.

  6. The Faculty provides library services.

Article 4: Academic Community of the Faculty

  1. The academic community of the Faculty consists of members of the academic staff of the Faculty (Article 19 (1)) and the University students enrolled in the Faculty (“Faculty students”).

  2. The status of visiting professors is governed by the University Constitution.2

  3. A meeting of the members of the academic community may be convened to discuss current matters. The meeting is convened:


    By the Dean together with the President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty;


    By the Dean after discussion with the President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty; or


    By the President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty, upon a resolution of the Academic Senate of the Faculty and after discussion with the Dean.


Article 5: The Division of the Faculty and its Units

  1. Faculty workplaces form units of the Faculty. Individual workplaces are established so that their activities enable the efficient completion of Faculty tasks.

  2. The Faculty is divided into Faculty workplaces of three types:


    The Dean’s Office;


    Scientific and pedagogical workplaces;


    Other workplaces.

  3. The list of Faculty workplaces and other details of the structure and organisation of the Faculty is determined by the Rules for the Internal Governance of the Faculty which is provided by the Dean in a Dean’s directive, which is issued after the Academic Senate of the Faculty gives an opinion on it.

  4. The details of the organisation of individual Faculty workplaces may be provided by their rules for internal governance which are issued as Dean’s directives.

Article 6: Self-Governance of the Faculty

The self-governance of the Faculty is carried out by the members of its academic community via self-governing academic bodies.

Article 7: Self-Governing Academic Bodies of the Faculty

  1. The self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty are the Academic Senate of the Faculty, the Dean, the Research Board of the Faculty, and the Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty.3

  2. The self-governing academic bodies make sure that the members of the academic community of the Faculty are informed of the activities of the bodies and that they have a possibility to express their opinion on matters discussed by these bodies. They also make sure that the members of the academic community can submit comments on the activities of these bodies.

Article 8: Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. Academic Senate of the Faculty (“the Senate”) is a representative self-governing academic body of the Faculty which decides or co-decides on the organisation and activities of the Faculty in accordance with the Higher Education Act and with the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.

  2. The Senate is elected by the academic community of the Faculty. The Senate accounts for its activities to the academic community of the Faculty.

  3. The Senate is composed of 15 members, 9 are elected by the members of academic staff from among the members of academic staff of the Faculty and 6 are elected by the Faculty students from among the Faculty students. The term of office of the Senate members is three years for members of the academic staff and two years for students.

  4. Membership in the Senate is incompatible with the office of the Rector, Vice-Rector, Bursar, Dean, Vice-Dean, the Secretary to the Faculty, and the Director of a higher education institute.4

  5. The Dean, Vice-Deans, and the Secretary to the Faculty are entitled to participate in the meetings of the Senate, having an advisory vote.

  6. Membership in the Senate terminates before expiration of the term of office:


    When membership in the academic community terminates;


    On the date of delivery of a written statement to the President of the Senate in which a member resigns membership in the Senate;


    If the Senate by a vote deprives a member of the mandate due to failure to attend at least three subsequent meetings of the Senate without an apology given in advance.

  7. If the Senate membership is terminated under paragraph 6, the Senate is expanded to a full number of members from among the elected substitutes in a manner determined by the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Senate.

  8. The rules for holding an election of Senate members and their removal from office are determined by the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Senate.

  9. The activities of the Senate and its bodies are governed by the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate.

Article 9

  1. The Senate:


    Upon a proposal of a member of the Senate and after receiving an opinion of the Dean, approves the draft Code of Procedure for the Senate;


    Upon a proposal of the Dean, approves the drafts of other internal regulations of the Faculty.

  2. The Senate, upon a proposal of the Dean, decides on the establishment, merger, consolidation, division, or closure of Faculty workplaces.

  3. The Senate gives the Dean prior consent to appoint and remove from office:


    Members of the Research Board of the Faculty;


    Members and substitutes of the Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty.

  4. The Senate approves:


    Upon proposal of the Dean, the strategic plan of the Faculty and an annual plan of its implementation;


    The balance sheet of the Faculty submitted by the Dean, and checks the use of funds of the Faculty;


    The annual report on the activities of the Faculty and the annual report on the financial management of the Faculty submitted by the Dean;


    The admissions conditions for programmes of study offered by the Faculty.

  5. The Senate elects the candidate for the office of the Dean and may propose that the Dean be removed from office.

  6. The Senate may propose a candidate for the office of the Rector.

  7. The Senate gives an opinion on the following:


    The plan to appoint and remove from office Vice-Deans;


    The plan to appoint and remove from office the Secretary to the Faculty;


    The appointment of honorary members to the Research Board;


    The proposal of an area of study for the purpose of institutional accreditation and a proposal to waive the institutional accreditation;


    Proposals of programmes of study which are planned to be offered at the Faculty, and considers the proposals for the cancellation of programmes of study;


    Other matters if so required by an internal regulation of the University or an internal regulation of the Faculty if the Senate resolves to do so or if the Dean requests an opinion of the Senate.

  8. The Senate may request the opinion of another body of the Faculty or of a head of a Faculty workplace.

  9. A member of the Senate is entitled to ask the Dean to provide information related to the exercise of the office of a Senate member.

  10. The Senate has the right to familiarize itself with the conclusions of meetings of other bodies of the Faculty, the Dean’s Board, and other permanent advisory bodies of the Dean.

  11. The Senate monitors overall the personnel, educational, scientific, and financial development of individual workplaces of the Faculty. It uses as a primary source annual reports on the activities of the Faculty, annual reports on the financial management of the Faculty, and the statement on the distribution of funds.

  12. The Senate considers proposals and motions from the members of the academic community of the Faculty and in justified cases discusses them with the Dean.

Article 10: The Research Board of the Faculty

  1. The powers of the Research Board of the Faculty (“the Research Board”) are provided by the Higher Education Act.5 In addition, the Research Board expresses its opinion of the proposals submitted to it by the Dean or if required to do so by an internal regulation of the University or an internal regulation of the Faculty.

  2. The chair of the Research Board is the Dean who appoints and removes from office other members of the Research Board with the prior consent of the Senate. No less than one third of the Research Board members are persons other than the members of the academic community of the University.

  3. Within two months after the beginning of his term of office, the Dean submits to the Senate a motion to appoint the members of the Research Board.

  4. The Dean may appoint a distinguished scholar who has provided outstanding service to the Faculty or the University as an Honorary Member of the Research Board. An Honorary Member has the right to participate in the sessions of the Research Board without the right to vote. The Dean requires an opinion of the Senate before appointing an Honorary Member to the Research Board.

  5. The term of office of members of the Research Board appointed by the Dean terminates on the last day of the calendar month following the date when the term of office of the next Dean starts. The duration of the term of office under the first sentence does not apply to Honorary Members of the Research Board. Membership in the Research Board further terminates:


    On the date of delivery of a written statement to the Dean in which the member resigns his membership in the Research Board;


    On the date when the Dean removes a member from the Research Board with the prior consent of the Senate.

  6. The activities of the Research Board are governed by the Code of Procedure for the Research Board.

Article 11

  1. The Research Board:


    Considers the draft strategic plan of the Faculty and the implementation plans;


    Approves proposals for programmes of study which the Faculty intends to offer;


    Proposes to the Rector a plan to submit an application for accreditation, expansion of accreditation, or extension of the period of validity of accreditation of programmes of study offered by the Faculty;


    Proposes to the Rector a plan to submit an application for accreditation of procedure for the granting of associate professorship and full professorship within the procedures offered by the Faculty;


    Exercises powers in the procedure for the granting of associate professorship and full professorship within the scope stipulated by the Higher Education Act;6


    Expresses an opinion on Dean’s proposals to designate and remove guarantors of bachelor’s or master’s programmes of study;


    Approves other experts authorised to examine in State Final Examinations;7


    Expresses an opinion on the Dean’s nomination of members of Subject Area Boards for doctoral programmes of study;


    Expresses opinion on the content and quality of doctoral study;


    Proposes the creation of a position of “Extraordinary Professor”;


    Proposes the awarding of the title “Visiting Professor of Charles University” to a teacher of a foreign higher education institution;


    Proposes the appointment of “Professor Emeritus”;


    Expresses an opinion on the proposal of the Dean to award the degree of “Doctor Honoris Causa;”


    Proposes the appointment of a member of the academic staff of the Faculty as “Professor in Memoriam;”


    Expresses an opinion on draft contracts between the University represented by the Dean (section 24 of the Higher Education Act) and natural or juridical persons if these contracts concern educational or creative activities of the Faculty.

  2. The Research Board expresses opinion on other matters if:


    It resolves to do so;


    It is asked by the Dean;


    It is required by an internal regulation of the University or an internal regulation of the Faculty.

Article 12: The Dean

  1. The Faculty is headed by the Dean; the Dean manages its activities.

  2. The Dean acts and decides on all affairs of the Faculty which are not reserved to other bodies of the Faculty or of the University.

  3. A candidate for the Dean is usually elected from among the members of the academic staff who are members of the academic community of the Faculty. The Dean is appointed by the Rector upon a proposal of the Academic Senate of the Faculty.

  4. In managing the Faculty the Dean may, within the powers granted to him and within the scope of legal regulations and the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty, adopt Dean’s directives, and the Faculty acts in accordance with these directives. If required by an internal regulation of the Faculty or the University, the Senate must give an opinion on a Dean’s directive before it is adopted.

  5. The Dean answers any questions regarding the discharge of his office asked by the Senate or its members during the Senate session.

  6. The term of office of the Dean begins on the date when he is appointed to the office by the Rector.

  7. The term of office of the Dean is four years. The same person may hold the office of the Dean for no more than two subsequent terms of office.8

  8. The procedure for consideration and approval of the proposal for appointment of the Dean, or for his removal from office, is governed by the Code of Procedure for the Senate.

  9. A Vice-Dean determined by the Dean acts as the Dean’s deputy in full scope in the period of his absence.

Article 13: The Vice-Deans

  1. A Vice-Dean acts as a deputy for the Dean within the scope determined by the Dean. Vice-Deans are appointed and removed from office by the Dean.9 The Senate expresses an opinion on the intention of the Dean to appoint or remove Vice-Deans.

  2. The Vice-Dean is usually a member of the academic staff of the Faculty.

  3. The number of Vice-Deans and their fields of activities are determined by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate.

  4. The Vice-Dean answers in writing any questions regarding the discharge of his office asked in writing by the Senate or presented by its members during a Senate session.

  5. In the period of a Vice-Dean’s absence, the Dean determines the mode of deputising for the Vice-Dean. If such absence is longer than two months the Senate expresses an opinion on the mode of deputising for such Vice-Dean.

Article 14: Dean’s Board

  1. The Dean’s Board is the permanent advisory body of the Dean. The members of the Dean’s Board are the Vice-Deans and the Secretary to the Faculty, and other persons appointed by the Dean, if any. The Dean and the Dean’s Board form the management of the Faculty.

  2. If required the Dean may establish an extended Dean’s Board. The President of the Senate may be a member of such Board as well as other persons appointed by the Dean.

  3. The advisory bodies of the Dean, Vice-Deans and the Secretary are stated in the Rules for the Internal Governance of the Faculty issued as a Dean’s directive.

Article 15: The Secretary to the Faculty

  1. The secretary to the Faculty (“the Secretary”) is a body of the Faculty10 that manages the finances and internal administration of the Faculty within the scope stipulated by the Dean’s directive.11

  2. The Secretary is subordinated to the Dean and is accountable to him for his activities. The Secretary cooperates with the Vice-Deans. The Secretary is entitled to attend sessions of the Senate with an advisory vote. The Secretary answers in writing any questions regarding the discharge of his office asked by the Senate in writing or presented by its members during the Senate session.

  3. The Secretary manages, within the scope determined by a Dean’s directive, the Dean’s Office of the Faculty and other workplaces and special purpose establishments defined in the Rules for the Internal Governance of the Faculty, which is issued as a Dean’s directive.

  4. The Secretary is appointed and removed from office by the Dean.12

  5. In exercising his managerial powers, the Secretary may within the scope of legal regulations, the internal regulations of the Faculty and the University, and Dean’s directives, adopt Secretary’s directives to be applied in the financial management and internal management of the Faculty.

Article 16: The Dean’s Office

  1. The Dean’s Office provides for the needs of the Faculty. For this purpose it carries out in particular organisational, coordination, consultative, registration, and control activities in the fields of study, scientific research, external relations, foreign relations, finance, human resources, and legal and internal administration.

  2. The Dean’s Office provides for the material and administrative needs related to the activities of the Dean, Vice-Deans, Secretary, Senate, Research Board, and other bodies of the Faculty.

  3. The details of the organisation of the Dean’s Office are provided in the Rules for the Internal Governance of the Dean’s Office, which are issued as a Dean’s directive.

Article 17 The Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty

  1. The Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty (“the Disciplinary Commission”) considers infringements of disciplinary rules by students registered for study at the Faculty and submits a proposal for decision to the Dean.

  2. Members of the Disciplinary Commission are appointed and removed from office by the Dean upon prior consent of the Senate from among the members of the academic community of the Faculty under the Higher Education Act and the Disciplinary Code for Students of the University.13

  3. The number and term of office of the members of the Disciplinary Commission and their substitutes, the details of infringements of disciplinary rules, the imposition of penalties, as well as disciplinary proceedings and review proceedings in these cases are provided in the Disciplinary Code for Students of the University and the Disciplinary Code for Students of the Faculty.


Article 18

  1. The bachelor’s and master’s programmes of study at the Faculty are ensured, and their implementation controlled, by the guarantors or boards of guarantors of these programmes. The guarantor of a programme of study is appointed by the Rector upon the proposal of the Dean and after the Research Board of the Faculty has expressed its opinion; if it concerns a programme of study which is not offered by the Faculty alone, the Dean submits the relevant proposal in the manner determined in the University Constitution.14 The guarantor (or board of guarantors) of a programme of study perform in particular the tasks determined in the University Constitution.15 In relation to the management of the Faculty they fulfil the role of advisors in expert issues of the programme of study.

  2. The Subject Area Board monitors and evaluates the study in doctoral programmes of study, it determines the content of the study and organises its implementation; the Subject Area Board is appointed by the Rector upon the proposal of the Dean after obtaining an opinion from the Research Board of the Faculty. The details are governed by the Code of Study and Examination of the University and the Rules of Study at the Faculty.

  3. Admissions to study at the University including the appellate proceedings are governed by the Code of Admissions Procedure of the University. Further details of the organisation of the admissions procedure are determined by the Dean in a Dean’s directive. Submissions concerning the organisation of the admissions procedure are handled by the relevant Vice-Dean; the processing of such submissions is reviewed by the Dean upon request of the applicant.

  4. The rules for study at the University including the rights and obligations of students and rules of procedure in the first instance and in the appellate proceedings concerning the rights and obligations of students are stipulated in the Code of Study and Examination of the University. The further requirements of programmes of study offered at the Faculty and the details of the organisation of study at the Faculty are stipulated by the Rules of Study at the Faculty.

  5. The rules for awarding scholarships and bursaries as well as the rules of procedure in the first instance and in the appellate proceedings concerning the matter are governed by the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of the University. The details of awarding scholarships and bursaries at the Faculty are stipulated in the Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty.

  6. Conditions of study for foreigners are governed by Article 23 of the University Constitution.

  7. Fees for study are governed by Article 24 of the University Constitution and Appendix No. 2 to the University Constitution.

  8. The payments collected from students for certain acts are governed by Article 31 of the University Constitution.


Article 19

  1. The members of academic staff of the Faculty are those full and associate professors, assistant professors, assistants, lecturers, and researchers who are employees of the University assigned to the Faculty and who perform at the Faculty within their employment depending on the agreed type of work both educational and creative activities.

  2. The employment contracts of members of the academic staff are created on the basis of a competitive hiring process. The rules thereof are governed by the Competitive Hiring Process Code of the University.

  3. The employment of associate and full professors is generally for an indefinite period.

  4. In accordance with section 76 of the Higher Education Act a member of the academic staff of the Faculty is granted upon request a sabbatical of six months once every seven years if not precluded by serious circumstances concerning the fulfilment of the educational tasks of the Faculty. The member of the academic staff is entitled to a salary during the period of the sabbatical.

  5. The status of other employees is addressed in particular by the Labour Code and the internal regulations of the University.


Article 20: Strategic Plan

  1. The strategic plan of the Faculty is a basic programme document of the Faculty. The Faculty prepares plans to implement the strategic plan on an annual basis.

  2. The strategic plan of the Faculty is based mainly on the conceptions of the development of the University expressed in particular in the strategic plan of the University.

  3. The strategic plan of the Faculty serves as a basis for the preparation of changes in the internal organization of the Faculty, new programmes of study, and choosing the focus of scientific, creative, and other activities.

Article 21: Annual Reports and their Use

  1. Every year, the Faculty prepares an annual report on its activities and an annual report on financial management.

  2. The annual report findings are used in management and in the preparation of the annual plans for the implementation of the strategic plan of the Faculty and in the internal evaluation of the quality of the educational, creative, and related activities of the Faculty.

Article 22: Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance

  1. The system of internal evaluation and quality assurance respects the specific character of humanities.

  2. The Faculty is, in its evaluation, bound by the Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the University and by the Code of Rules for Educational Activities Evaluation by Students and Graduates of the University, and cooperates within the evaluation and provides the required data for these evaluations.

  3. The evaluation of the quality of the Faculty is used in the creation of the strategic plan of the Faculty and in creating the programmes of study.


Article 23: Financial and Property Management

  1. The Faculty bodies are entitled to decide and act on behalf of the University when disposing of the allocated funds and the funds gained from supplementary activities.16 The Faculty bodies also decide on the disposition of University property within the scope determined by the Dean.17

  2. The decisions on the financial operation of the Faculty are made by the Dean. The proposal of the Dean for the annual distribution of funds of the Faculty is approved by the Senate and their use is checked by the Senate. The Senate approves the annual report on financial management.

  3. The rules for the financial management at the Faculty are provided in the Constitution of Charles University, the internal regulations of the University, the Higher Education Act, other legal regulations, and Dean’s directives issued in accordance with such laws and regulations.

  4. The Faculty may enable an employee to use Faculty facilities above the framework of his employment under conditions determined in advance.


Article 24: Academic Ceremonies

  1. Students of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programmes of study take the matriculation oath at the beginning of the study, the text of the oath is provided in the Appendix No. 1 to this Constitution.

  2. During the graduation ceremony the graduates of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programmes of study take an oath which is spoken in the Latin language. The wording of the relevant oaths forms Appendices No. 2, 3, and 4 to this Constitution.

  3. The procedure for matriculations and graduations is provided in the Matriculation and Graduation Code of the University.

Article 25: Academic Insignia

  1. The Faculty insignia are deposited at the University Rectorate. The details of the academic insignia are governed by Article 55 of the University Constitution.

  2. The description of the academic insignia is provided in Appendix No. 3 to the University Constitution.

Article 26: Faculty Logo

  1. The Faculty uses a logo which includes the red coat of arms of the University and is created in accordance with the rules of uniform visual style of the University. The typography and colours of the Faculty logotype are based on the University logotype. The appearance of the Faculty logo forms Appendix No. 5 to this Constitution.

  2. If required, another unit within the faculty or an event organised by the Faculty may have its own logo. The appearance of such logo must be in accordance with the rules for the uniform visual style of the University and the decision on its use is made by the Dean.


Article 27: Official Notice Board

  1. The Faculty has an official notice board.

  2. The official notice board must be clearly designated and located in a publicly accessible place in the registered office of the Faculty.

  3. The official notice board serves for posting documents in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Code, the Higher Education Act, and other legal regulations and internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.

  4. Documents posted on the official notice board are also made public in the publicly accessible section of the website of the faculty.

Article 28: Publishing of Information

  1. The publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty serves for the publishing of the following:


    Minutes of the meetings of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty and of the Dean’s permanent advisory bodies and the schedule of meetings of these bodies including information on the date and location of the next meetings;


    Dean’s directives;


    Internal regulations of the Faculty including the consolidated regulations and a link to the internal regulations of the University published under the Constitution of the University;


    Annual reports on activities of the Faculty, annual reports on the financial management of the Faculty, strategic plans of the Faculty, and annual implementation plans;


    Other information as stipulated by a legal regulation, the internal regulations of the University, the internal regulations of the Faculty, or information published under a decision of the Dean.

Article 29: Faculty Stamps

  1. The Faculty uses an official round stamp with the national emblem of the Czech Republic and the text “Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií” (Charles University, Faculty of Humanities) in cases provided for in special legislation.

  2. The appearance and rules for the use of other stamps are provided in a Dean’s directive within the scope provided in a Rector’s directive.

Article 30: Interpretation Rule

In case of doubt, the provisions of this Constitution are interpreted by the Senate.

Article 31: Internal Regulations of the Faculty

The following are the internal regulations of the Faculty:


The Constitution;


The Rules of Study;


The Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries;


The Disciplinary Code for Students;


The Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate;


The Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate;


The Code of Procedure for the Research Board.


Article 32: Transitional Provision

Persons elected or appointed to the bodies of the Faculty and workplaces of the Faculty before the date of effect of this Constitution are deemed to be elected or appointed under this Constitution. Their term of office is not affected by this Constitution. The members of the Research Board are an exception to this rule and their term of office expires in accordance with this Constitution.

Article 33: Final Provisions

  1. The Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University of 23 March 2001 including the appendices, as amended, is hereby repealed.

  2. The Rules for Lifelong Learning of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University, as amended, approved by the Academic Senate of Charles University on 23 March 2001 is hereby repealed.

  3. The Rules for Educational Activities Evaluation by Students of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University approved by the Academic Senate of Charles University on 6 December 2013 is hereby repealed.

  4. This regulation was approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University on 9 November 2017.

  5. This Regulation comes into force and becomes effective on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University.18

Ing. Arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

Mgr. Milan Hanyš, Ph.D.

President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University

PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.

President of the Academic Senate of Charles University



Articles 15 (2) and 50 (1) (c) of the University Constitution, Financial Management Rules of Charles University, and Property Management Rules of Charles University.


Article 40 of the University Constitution.


Section 25 (1) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 26 (2) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 30 of the Higher Education Act.


Sections 72 and 74 of the Higher Education Act.


Section 53 (2) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 28 (4) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 28 (5) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 25 (2) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 32 (1) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 32 (2) of the Higher Education Act.


Section 31 (1) of the Higher Education Act.


Article 23 (3) (b) of the University Constitution.


Article 22 (11) of the University Constitution.


Section 24 (1) (d) of the Higher Education Act.


Article 50 (1) (c) of the University Constitution.


Section 9 (1) (b) point 2 of the Higher Education Act.

The Academic Senate of Charles University approved this regulation on 10 November 2017.

Last change: September 16, 2021 11:43 
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