Code of Procedure for the Research Board

Code of Procedure for the Research Board of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University*

(* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural, and words in the plural include the singular.)

Under sections 27 (1) (b) and 33 (2) (d) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University has adopted the following Code of Procedure for the Research Board of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University as its internal regulation:

Article 1: Introductory Provisions

  1. This Code provides for the activities of the Research Board of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (“the Faculty”) in accordance with the Higher Education Act, the internal regulations of Charles University, and the internal regulations of the Faculty.1

  2. The Research Board of the Faculty (“the Research Board”) is a self-governing academic body of the Faculty.

Article 2: Schedule, Convening a Meeting, and Agenda for a Meeting of the Research Board

  1. The Research Board meets as required, however at least twice per academic year. The schedule for the Research Board meetings for the academic year is determined by the Dean.

  2. The meetings of the Research Board are convened by the Dean. A meeting of the Research Board may also be convened by a Vice-Dean designated by the Dean. A meeting must be convened within 30 days if at least one third of the members of the Research Board who are not honorary members request it.

  3. The agenda for the Research Board meeting is set out by the Dean taking into account the proposals of the members of the Research Board.

  4. A member of the research board or a body of the faculty may suggest including an item on the agenda with sufficient advance notice.

  5. An invitation to a meeting of the Research Board with the agenda and background documents concerning individual items on the agenda must be made available to the members of the Research Board no fewer than three days before the meeting. Invitations and background documents may be sent electronically. In exceptional and justified cases, the relevant documents may be distributed to the members of the Research Board before the opening of the meeting.

  6. If required due to the nature of the matter discussed, the Dean may also invite other persons to the meeting of the Research Board.

Article 3: Meeting of the Research Board

  1. The meeting of the Research Board is chaired by the Dean or a Vice-Dean designated by the Dean.

  2. Approval of the meeting agenda forms part of the meeting.

  3. A debate is held on every item on the agenda. Every member and honorary member has the right to express his opinion on the issues discussed during the debate. Guests may also participate in the debate with the consent of the Research Board. If the written opinion of a member who is not present is available, it must be read.

  4. Meetings of the Research Board are open to the public.

  5. Upon a proposal of the Dean or a Vice-Dean designated by the Dean, the Research Board may decide by resolution that the whole meeting or a part thereof will be declared closed, if the meeting being open to the public would endanger the personal rights of an individual or an important interest of the Faculty or the University; in such case the Research Board determines who may participate in such meeting.

  6. A meeting of the Research Board is closed during the period of voting and possible previous debate on nomination for associate professorship or full professorship.

Article 3a: Meetings of the Research Board Held in Hybrid Mode or Remotely

  1. The meetings of the Research Board may be held in hybrid mode or remotely if:


    It arises from another legal regulation or a directive issued on its basis that the Research Board may hold meetings remotely;


    It arises from an internal regulation of the University or a situation declared on its basis that the Research Board may hold meetings remotely;


    The Research Board decides to do so by resolution during its meeting or by voting outside the meeting (“remote voting”) for reasons worthy of special consideration.

  2. The members of the Research Board are informed of the fact that the meeting will be held in hybrid mode or remotely by electronic means no fewer than three days before the meeting is to be held.

  3. The details concerning meetings of the Research Board held in hybrid mode or remotely are provided in a Dean’s directive by the Dean.


Article 3b: Meetings and Voting of Associate Professorship Commissions and Commissions in the Procedure for Granting Full Professorship

  1. The associate professorship commissions and commissions in the procedure for the granting of full professorship may meet in hybrid mode or remotely.

  2. The associate professorship commissions and commissions in the procedure for the granting of full professorship may vote by such electronic means which ensure the secrecy of the ballot.

  3. The details of meetings held in hybrid mode or remotely and electronic voting of the associate professorship commissions and commissions in the procedure for the granting of full professorship are provided by the Dean in a Dean’s directive.

Article 4: Quorum and Adopting Resolutions

  1. The Research Board has quorum if an absolute majority of its members are present; the number of members does not include honorary members.

  2. Unless otherwise provided in the Higher Education Act2, a resolution is passed if an absolute majority of the persons present voted in its favour.

  3. A proposal for the granting of associate professorship and a proposal for the granting of full professorship will not be considered if less than two thirds of all members of the Research Board are present and if the candidate for associate or full professorship did not express his disagreement with such a procedure.

Article 5: Voting

  1. Voting is public.

  2. The Research Board decides by secret ballot:


    In cases stipulated by the law3, an internal regulation of the University, or an internal regulation of the Faculty;


    If it decided to do so by a resolution.

  3. In a secret ballot, approval is indicated by marking the relevant data on the ballot paper.

Article 6: Remote Consideration and Voting (in writing)

  1. Matters of urgency and proposals for the consideration of which it is not possible or efficient to convene a meeting of the Research Board or such matters and proposals on which the Research Board did not express its opinion during the meeting because it ceased to be quorate may be, upon a decision of the Dean, sent to the members of the Research Board who are not honorary members for remote voting.

  2. It is not possible to vote remotely on a matter which must be decided by secret ballot (Article 5 (2)). It is also not possible to consider and vote remotely on a matter if at least one third of all the members of the Research Board express disagreement with voting remotely no later than within the time limit for voting.

  3. The notice of the voting, the text of the proposal, and a ballot paper will be sent to members of the Research Board via closed electronic conference. The notice will stipulate the time limit for voting which is not less than one week after dispatch.

  4. A voting member of the Research Board will send electronically a completed ballot paper including the name and surname of the voter and the actual vote, i.e., approval, disapproval or abstention, within the time limit under paragraph 3, otherwise his vote is invalid.

  5. The voting is public. The list of names of the members of the Research Board and how each of them voted is annexed to the report of the vote.

  6. The proposal is considered to be approved if an absolute majority of all members of the Research Board voted in its favour.

  7. The report of the resolution adopted by remote voting is annexed to the minutes of the next meeting of the Research Board after a remote vote has been held and is approved at the same time as the minutes of the meeting.

Article 7: Minutes

  1. Minutes must be taken at every meeting and they are published as preliminary minutes no later than within 15 days of the date of the meeting. The Research Board approves the minutes at its next meeting. The minutes are sent (usually by email) to the members of the Research Board, the President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty, the Vice-Deans for Research and for International Affairs, and the head of the department of research and international affairs; in addition they are published in the publicly accessible part of the Faculty website.

  2. Administrative matters of the Research Board are ensured by a member of the staff of the Dean’s Office designated by the Dean.

Article 8: Final Provisions

  1. The Code of Procedure for the Research Board of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty on 22 March 2001, as amended, is hereby repealed.

  2. This Code was approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty on 19 October 2017 and it comes into force on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University.4

  3. This Code becomes effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of coming into force.

Mgr. Milan Hanyš, Ph.D.

předseda AS FHS UK

Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D.

děkan FHS UK

PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.

předseda AS UK



Articles 10 and 11 of the Constitution of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University.


Sections 72 (10) and 74 (6) of the Higher Education Act.


Sections 72 (9) and 74 (6) of the Higher Education Act.


The Academic Senate of Charles University approved this Code on 10 November 2017.

Last change: September 16, 2021 11:37 
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