This scheme offers scholarships that are designed for visiting university students, or graduates and Ph.D. candidates who wish to accomplish a study or research stay at one of the Czech public institutions of higher education. Its length usually ranges from 2 to 10 months depending upon the agreement made by the Czech government and the foreign government concerned, which specifies the categories of eligible recipients.
Information on application procedure as well as on the terms of this scholarship scheme is available at: See the Scholarships for the respective Academic Year section.
If you are intending to apply for a scholarship within this programme, the Letter of Acceptance / Letter of Invitation from a prospective host institution is required.
In order to consider your enquiry, we need to receive your request for the Letter of Acceptance together with all the supporting documents well in advance of the application deadline.
For guidance on the steps to follow, please consult the sections:
Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic