Doc. Veronika Čapská, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for International Affairs


office No.: 1.19

tel.: +420 737 365 112

Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Prague 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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Personal Profile

Veronika Čapská currently serves as the Vice-Dean for International Relations at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, in Prague. In the academic year 2018–2019 she was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall. Between 2015 and 2021 she served as the Editor-In-Chief of the peer-reviewed academic journal Dejiny-Teorie-Kritika (History-Theory-Criticism) which is published by the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University: She has turned the journal bilingual (English-Czech) and she has achieved its indexing in the Scopus Elsevier database. Between September and December 2022 she was a Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge. She is a member of the Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society, Czech Republic.

Her past book projects have included critical editions of early modern German ego-documents and she has published broadly in international academic journals, including the European Review of History/ Revue européenne dʼhistoire, Austrian History Yearbook and Saeculum – Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte. Her fields of specialization include (trans)cultural history; translation history; gift exchange; gender and women’s history; history of migration, exile, and diasporas; history of religion and asceticism; theory of history.

doc. Veronika Čapská, Ph.D. - photo for download (jpg.)

CV for download (pdf.)

Last change: December 4, 2023 09:28 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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